Requirements & Schedule

Requirements & Workload:

          ⇒ Preparatory paper (before summer school), approx. 5 pages (based on the summerschool-textbook, published at 15th May 2024)

          ⇒ Pro-active participation and discussion

          ⇒ Reflection paper (after summer school), 5 pages

The total workload is 100 hours (25% preparatory work, 40% participation, 35% seminar work). Students who successfully complete this summer school receive a 4 ECTS-certificate from the University of Vienna.

Target group

Master and PhD students from all disciplines who may relating to the topic of this summer school, particularly concerning urban studies, housing markets, architecture, spatial planning …

Schedule of the Summer School

The summer school comprises a three day-course in each city, with lectures in the morning and field trips or visits of practitioners in the afternoon.

The programme in each city follows an overall principle that enables a comparison of the three urban housing markets, but also considers the specific urban context. Thus, in each city, the course follows the same programme:

Day 1: Concept and urban context
Day 2: Institutions and existing housing stock
Day 3: Recent dynamics in housing markets and relevant actors

(Note: At this time the schedule is preliminary and may be subject to changes!)