Fri, 01.12.2023 9:30

Between Centre and Periphery

Septimania and Catalonia as a Middle-Ground of the 'Carolingian Reform' | Workshop

Our workshop presents research results from the FWF project “Carolingian Culture in Septimania and Catalonia” (CCSC), which have been developed since 2020. CCSC focuses on manuscripts with Carolingian text culture in the south-western periphery of the Carolingian empire, many of which are identified for the first time, examined in more detail, and placed into the larger panorama of book culture and history in this widely understudied area. Embedded in the larger framework of Europe-wide knowledge networks, regional peculiarities as well as supra-regional similarities of Carolingian text and manuscript culture become clear; this enables us to rethink the concept of “Carolingian reform” à la longue durée and to contribute to a future comparative history of Carolingian culture across Europe.


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Session I | Moderator: Cinzia Grifoni

09:30 – 11:00

  • Matthias M. Tischler (Barcelona):
    Transformation Through Manuscripts:The ‘Carolingian Reform’ in Septimania and Catalonia
  • Clara Renedo i Mirambell (Barcelona):
    The Silent Contribution of Bernhard Bischoff to Ninth-Century Carolingian Septimania and Catalonia
  • Patrick S. Marschner (Vienna):
    Cross Signs and (Frankish) Annals in Catalonia.The Appearance of signa crucis in 785/786 and 806 in Catalan Historiography and their Origin from Frankish Annals

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

Session II | Moderator: Alexander Marx

11:30 – 13:00

  • Isaac Lampurlanés i Farré (Vienna):
    The Carolingian Homiliaries on the Peripheries: Between Tradition and Innovation
  • Eulàlia Vernet i Pons (Barcelona):
    Jews, Pagans, and Heretics in the Frontier Society of Early Medieval Catalonia: The Carolingian Homiliary of Luculentius and Its Historical Background
  • Rob Meens (Utrecht):
    Canonical Material in Post-Carolingian Septimania and Catalonia

Session III | Moderator: Patrick Marschner

14:00 – 15:00

  • Walter Pohl (Vienna):
    Many Smaller Worlds in One Larger World: Some Thoughts on the Way to a Comprehensive View of the Post-Carolingian Euro-Mediterranean
  • Jan Odstrčilík (Vienna):
    Creating a Simple Database from Zero
  • Matthias M. Tischler (Barcelona):
    Concluding Remarks





Georg-Coch-Platz 2
5th Floor
Rooms 5B.1 & 5B.2

1 December 2023
0930 – 1500 h

Please register via eMail

Contact & Information:
Patrick Marschner

Partner Institution:



Carolingian Culture in Septimania and Catalonia