Mon, 27.09.2021 18:30

Book Presentation

Aufklärung habsburgisch. Staatsbildung, Wissenskultur und Geschichtspolitik in Zentraleuropa 1750-1850

Coverfoto Aufklärung habsburgisch
Foto: (c) Wallstein Verlag

The Institute for Culture Studies and Theatre History cordially invites you to the presentation of Franz Fillafer's book "Aufklärung habsburgisch. Staatsbildung, Wissenskultur und Geschichtspolitik in Zentraleuropa 1750-1850".

Panel discussion with Pieter Judson
Moderator: Heidemarie Uhl
Further information



Theatersaal of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Wien

Time: 6.30 p.m.

Registration: Please register with Juliane Fink by September 25, 2021.

This event falls under the "3G-Regel".

Due to the current situation there might be changes in venue. If necessary, the event will be held in an online setting. Any changes will be announced on this website. All Covid entrance regulations required by law at the time of the event apply.



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