Fri, 24.05.2024 – 26.05.2024

Śaiva criticism of the Advaitins: The Ratnatrayaparīkṣā and its anonymous commentary

International source reading workshop

The workshop aims to conduct intensive reading sessions on an anonymous commentary on the Ratnatrayaparīkṣā by the dualistic philosopher of the Śaiva Siddhānta tradition, Śrīkaṇṭha (both dating to the 10th–11th century), a treatise on bindu, the sonic material cause of language as well as of the universe. The Ratnatrayaparīkṣā, along with its commentary, the Ullekhinī by Aghoraśiva, a renowned South Indian scholar of the 12th century, is well-known as part of the collection of works of the Śaiva Siddhānta tradition called the Aṣṭaprakaraṇa. In addition, two manuscripts containing a new commentary on the Ratnatrayaparīkṣā have been discovered recently. Akane Saito, Francesco Sferra, and Dominic Goodall are presently engaged in the critical edition and translation of the text.

In the workshop, our focus will be on the section where Śrīkaṇṭha refutes the Ādvaitikamata, i.e., the non-dualistic world-view presented by Advaita scholars, utilizing various means of knowledge, followed by an examination of the concept of vivarta (illusory manifestation). Examining Śrīkaṇṭha’s view that all valid means of knowledge — scripture, inference and perception (both conceptual and non-conceptual) — grasp plurality but not unity, we will investigate who was in the minds of Śaiva scholars in 10th century Kashmir as the proponent of Advaita philosophy, and how Śrīkaṇṭha’s criticism is interpreted in our anonymous commentary, purportedly from South India.

The text and provisional translation are shared with interested participants. To obtain these, please contact Akane Saito (akane.saito(at)


Please register by May 22, 2024 at office.ikga(at) if you wish to attend the workshop.

Provisional schedule

Friday, May 24, 2024

09:30–11:00Reading session 1
11:00–11:30Coffee & tea
11:30–12:30Reading session 2
14:00–15:30Reading session 3
15:30–16:00Coffee & tea
16:00–17:30Reading session 4 (optional)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

09:30–11:00Reading session 1
11:00–11:30Coffee & tea
11:30–12:30Reading session 2
14:00–15:30Reading session 3
15:30–16:00Coffee & tea
16:00–17:30Reading session 4 (optional)

Sunday, May 26, 2024

09:30–11:00Reading session 1
11:00–11:30Coffee & tea
11:30–12:30Reading session 2
14:00–15:30Reading session 3



Time: May 24–26, 2024

Austrian Academy of Sciences
Rooms 6 (Fri) & 4 (Sat & Sun), 4th floor
Georg-Coch-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

Weather permitting, Sunday's reading may be held outdoors.

Akane Saito