DI Dr.

Robert Schöfbeck

, Priv. Doz.

Group Leader CMS Data Analysis

CMS Physics Analysis



Telephone: +43 (1) 51581 - 2814

Location: Postsparkasse

Room: 3rd floor

Biographical sketch

  • 2020-2021 CMS subgroup convener for top mass and properties measurements
  • 2020-now HEPHY group leader of the CMS Data Analysis group
  • 2020 Habilitation (the right to teach) at TU Wien
  • since 2018 Guest Professor at Karl Franzens University, Graz
  • 2017-now ECFA representative of Austria
  • 2017-now Staff at HEPHY
  • 2016-2017 Scientific Associate at CERN
  • 2015-2016 PostDoc at Ghent University
  • 2015-2017 Convener of the CMS JetMET group (L2)
  • 2014-2015 Subgroup convener (CMS) responsible for the reconstruction of missing energy (MET group)
  • 2012-2014 Subgroup convener (CMS) responsible for data certification and software validation for Jets and missing energy (JME DQM and Validation)
  • 2012-2013 Member of the CMS Career Committee
  • 2011-2015 Leader of the HEPHY SUSY Group working on searches for supersymmetry with the CMS experiment
  • 2011 Leader of the CMS MET scanning team
  • since 2009 Junior research position at the HEPHY
  • 2008 Participation in the installation of the CMS tracker at the CMS experiment at the LHC
  • 2008 PhD "Precise predictions for the masses of supersymmetric fermions including two-loop corrections"
  • 2005 Master thesis with A. Rebhan (VTU) and P. van Nieuwenhuizen (Stony Brook) "The quantum Bogomol'nyi bound in supersymmetrich Yang-Mills theories"
  • 2003 Data analysis on multi-neutrino final states in the NA48 experiment, CERN


2022, FWF/FWO/SNSF weave Projekt ( 2 PhD )  I5687 "A ternary approach to the four-top quark discovery at the LHC", trilateral with UGent and UNIGE

2020, FWF Standalone Projekt ( 1 PostDoc )  P33771 "The tWZ process and the couplings of the top quark"

2018, FWF Standalone Projekt ( 1 Ph.D. ) P31578-N36 "New LHC physics in the top quark electro-weak interactions"

2015, FWO/FWF bilateral project ( 1 Ph.D. ) I2479-N36 "Search for natural supersymmetry with 13 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC with the CMS detector"

2014, FWF Standalone Projekt ( 1 Ph.D. + 1 Master Student ) P26771-N20 "Testing natural supersymmetry at the high energy proton-proton run at the LHC"


2015-2016 PostDoc - Ghent University (UGent)

2016-2017 - CERN, Scientific Associate

Professional Service

  • PhD
    • Cristina Giordano (2022-now)
    • Maryam Shooshtari (2022-now)
    • Lukas Lechner (2018-2021)
    • Daniel Spitzbart (2016-2019, now Postdoc at Boston University)
    • Wolfgang Kiesenhofer (2010-2013)
    • Ece Asilar (2014-2017 ->  CNRS / IN2P3 / IPNL)
    • Christine Rohringer (2012-2013)
  • Master
    • Andreas Gruber (since 2022)
    • Matthias Kettner (since 2022)
    • Rosmarie Schöfbeck (since 2020)
    • Max Moser (2020-2021)
    • Markus Doppler (2019-2020)
    • Georg Mörtl (2019)
    • Tim Brueckler (2019-2020) -> Oxford (PhD)
    • Tommy Tschida (2019-2020)
    • David Handl (2015 -> LMU Munich PhD)
    • Daniel Spitzbart (2015)
    • Stefan Dunkler (2013)
    • Janos Kancsar (2012-2013)
    • Marc Duenser (2010-2011-> ETH (PhD)-> CERN, now Fellow)
    • Gregor Kasieczka (2009-2010) ->Heidelberg (PhD) -> ETH (PostDoc) -> Hamburg (Junior Prof.)
  • PA/Bacc.
    • Lukas Goldschmied
    • Gerhard Ungersbäck
    • Dominik Freisinger
    • Laurenz Ruzicka 
    • Anselm Demattio
    • Christian Adleff
    • Clemens Jochum
    • Andreas Angerer
    • Markus Wallerberger
    • David Handl
    • Markus Hickel
    • Hedda Gressl
    • Daniel Spitzbart
    • Phillip Schicho


  • 2020 WS, 2022 WS "Experimental Particle Physics" Lecture at Karl Franzens University, Graz
  • 2019 SS, "Atom-, Kern- und Teilchenphysik" UE, TU Wien
  • 2018 WS, 2020 WS "Experimental Particle Physics" Lecture at Karl Franzens University, Graz
  • 2017 WS Physics at the LHC: Measurement of the Higgs Boson and Searches for Supersymmetry
  • 2010 WS Lecturer at the Technical University Vienna
    • “Statistical methods of data analysis”
    • “Graduates’ seminar on particles and interactions”

Research interests

  • Use the LHC to test theories beyond the Standard Model at the highest achievable energies
  • Standard model effective theory in the Top and Higgs sectors and how to constrain it with data
  • Understand the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking by identifying and characterizing potential new signals in the far tails
  • End-to-end particle physics: Simulation, data-taking and data quality monitoring, event reconstruction, data analysis and analysis interpretation


Journal Publication (391)

Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (5)

Editorship (3)

Dissertation (1)

Research Report (3)