Philipp Schreiner

PhD Student

Rare Event Searches




Biographical sketch

Present - PhD Student at HEPHY and TU Wien
Since January 2023, I am a member of the Vienna group of the COSINUS collaboration. Our aim is to cross check the dark matter discovery claims by DAMA/LIBRA using a cryogenic detector located at the LNGS in Italy.

2022 - Finished Master at TU Graz
For my Master's thesis I worked on an inherently gauge-invariant and non-perturbative description of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) which I subsequently managed to bring into agreement with perturbative results using the Fröhlich-Morchio-Strocci mechanism. This procedure has been shown to potentially alter the physical spectrum of theories beyond the Standard Model. It was therefore important to investigate what happens in the MSSM.

2020 - Finished Bachelor at TU Graz