DI Dr.

Helmut Eberl


Theory New Physics


Telephone: +43 1 51581 - 2832

Location: Postsparkasse

Room: 3rd floor

Biographical sketch

  • since 2019 member of Theory New Physics group
  • 2008 - 20019 project leader theory SUSY group
  • 1993 - present: research physicist at Hephy
  • 1993 - 1998: PhD thesis 
  • 1992 - 1993: Diploma thesis
  • 1986 - 1998: Student at the VUT (Vienna University of Technology)


  • "Supersymmetric flavour physics at LHC at One-Loop Level" - FWF project (2014 - 2016), project leader
  • "HEPTOOLS" - EU RTN project (2006 - 2010), node coordinator of Austria
  • "Physics at Colliders" - EU RTN project (2000 - 2005), member
  • member of numerous FWF projects lead by Alfred Bartl (Uni Wien)


Theory lecture and exercises on Elementary Particle Physics at TU Vienna,

141.B00 - 141.B03

Research interests

BSM Physics, Supersymmetry (SUSY), Loop Calculations, CP and Flavour Violation in SUSY, LHC and ILC Physics

Outreach activities

Disseminating particle physics to the general public by numerous public lectures and other activities. 

Further Information

A collection of my publication you can find here.

My private homepage went to Nirvana :-(



Journal Publication (3)