Mon, 15.11.2021 15:00

Presentation of the DFG Priority Programme Transottomanica

Online-Workshop with Prof. Markus Koller (Universität Bochum)

Im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe "Wanderungen des Wissens und Transformationen von Wissensräumen" wird Prof. Markus Koller das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Transottomanica: Osteuropäisch-osmanisch-persische Mobilitätsdynamiken" vorstellen. Anschließend steht er für Diskussion und Kooperationsgespräche zur Verfügung.

"Social and (trans)cultural ties between the Moscovite Tsardom and/or Petersburg Empire, Poland-Lithuania, the Ottoman Empire and Persia developed relationships that evolved and interconnected over centuries. The priority programme focuses on the “trans-Ottoman” ties and communication practices which emerged as a consequence of mobility between these dominions and which until now have not been apparent in studies of individual regions or bilateral relations. This approach promises to change our understanding of globalised European and Asian history in a transcontinental context. Instead of constructing “one” new region, the “post-area studies” approach allows to focus on several, different contexts and fields of social interaction with different spatial and social ranges unified by the lens of mobility: Reciprocal processes of migration, knowledge circulation (travelling concepts), travel, trade and mobility."




15. November 2021, 15:00 Uhr


Online via Zoom

Zoom Link

Meeting-ID: 966 7518 4958,  Kenncode: X6szZ3


Arno Strohmeyer

Marianne Pollheimer-Mohaupt