Vienna Museum of Science and Technology

The Vienna Museum of Science and Technology hosts a permanent exhibit titled ON/OFF, which offers information about the electricity grid and is designed interactively. It consists of nine chapters, which outline the electricity's "journey" from its generation to its consumption. Spread over a space of 500 m², the exhibition covers current characteristics of the Austrian energy grid while also offering a glimpse into its future. In this respect, ON/OFF also elaborates on fusion energy and its unique capabilities.

If you are interested in this exhibit, inform yourself about your visit to the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology. As part of this exhibit, the museum also offers tours and workshops aimed at children and teenagers which convey knowledge about energy in a demonstrative and playful manner.

Energy Transition. A Race against Time

The exhibition "Energy Transition. A Race against Time" at the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology deals with the current topics of energy transition and climate crisis and tries to find solutions for them. It opened on June 15, 2023 and will be on display for one and a half years.

Topics such as climate crisis and energy transition are omnipresent and topical as never before. The exhibition therefore deals with questions such as: How can we succeed in the energy transition? What innovations will help us achieve it? What can we all contribute in our everyday actions?

An attempt is made to find answers to these questions on five levels. First, the question "Why?" is addressed. Why do we need an energy transition? What are the implications of our dependence on fossil fuels? Problems are presented, but also approaches to solutions. For example, you can see the effects of your own consumption behavior or diet, or how you could use human heat or waste heat from servers for heating. Numerous multimedia installations and interactive elements are also used.

The last level of the exhibition is dedicated to the future. In the fictitious news "Good News TV" from the year 2050, four scientists tell what measures could be taken to initiate a successful energy turnaround in the 2020s. In this section of the exhibition, nuclear fusion is also presented as a possible energy source of the future. Among other things, a 3D model of the ITER tokamak is shown.