Do, 11.01.2024 15:30

RICAM Colloquium - Ekaterina Sherina, Univeristy of Vienna

RICAM Colloquium - On some Inverse Problems in Elastography

Thursday, January 11, 2024, 15:30, SP 416-2

Title: On some Inverse Problems in Elastography

Elastography, as an imaging modality in general, aims at mapping the mechanical properties of a given sample. This modality is of use in Medicine, in particular for the non-invasive identification of malignant formations inside the human skin or tissue biopsies during surgeries. In term of diagnostics accuracy, one is interested in quantitative values of strain and stiffness mapped on top of the visualization of a sample, rather than only in qualitative images. For estimating the values quantitatively, we look at Elastography from the perspective of Inverse Problems.