Di, 12.03.2024 14:30

Dissertation Colloquium - Nepomuk Krenn: Topology Optimisation of Electric Machines under Electro-Thermal Coupling

Dissertation colloquium in the working group "Computational Methods for PDEs"

Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 14:30
RICAM, SP2 416-1

Nepomuk Krenn

Dissertation Colloquium: Topology Optimisation of Electric Machines under Electro-Thermal Coupling

The guidelines of this PhD are given by project D02 "Topology Optimisation of Electric Machines under Electro-Thermal Coupling" of the DFG/FWF CRC361 "CREATOR - Computational Electric Machine Laboratory". The goal of this project is to nd new designs of electric machines considering multiple physics as electromagnetics, thermics and structural mechanics. We aim to optimize the performance (torque, inertia) subject to constraints (mass, temperature, stresses, demagnetization) by freely distributing iron, magnets of di erent orientation and air. This results in a multi-physical, multi-material design optimization problem. The tool of choice is the topological derivative which indicates the point-wise variation of some cost functional subject to topological perturbations, i.e. the change of material in a ball of in nitesimal size. The main workpackages of this project are

  •  Topological derivative for time-dependent problems on moving domains
  •  Optimization of magnet orientations
  •  Topological derivative considering hysteresis
  •  Manufacturing constriants
  •  Topological derivative for electro-thermal coupled problems
  •  Application to IGA and 3d models

The challenges include the modeling of these problems, the asymptotic analysis and the numerical implementation and validation of the optimization.