Di, 12.03.2024 13:45

Dissertation Colloquium - Alessio Cesarano: Shape optimization of rotating electric machines

Dissertation colloquium in the working group "Computational Methods for PDEs"

Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 13:45
RICAM, SP2 416-1

Alessio Cesarano

Dissertation Colloquium: Shape optimization of rotating electric machines

The topic of this PhD project is the shape optimization of rotating electric machines. The main mathematical tool used is the shape derivative, which gives a sensitivity with respect to the deformation of the domain along a given vector eld. The focus of the project is on multiphysics and the attempt to include time-dependent e ects in the optimization. In particular, the electromagnetic-thermal coupling is addressed. In one direction, the minimization of eddy currents is achieved solving a sequence of 2D magnetostatics problems, with the eddy currents being calculated in a nite di erence in time approach. In another direction, the maximization of the average torque is performed with the eddy current equation as PDE constraint, which is solved in a space-time nite element framework. In addition, multi-objective shape optimization is addressed and Pareto-optimal points tracing is achieved with the use of homotopy methods and second order shape derivatives.