
Final Conference


Memorialization, Musealization and Representation of Atrocities in Global Dialogue

June 25-28, 2024


The conference Travels Beyond the Holocaust seeks to explore how the memorialization and musealization of the Holocaust and other genocides, wars, histories of sexual violence, slow violence and colonialism travel around the world across a range of media and come into dialogue with one another. We intend to look at the many and varied templates, models and examples being used, challenged or explicitly rejected through the symbolic and material travel across cultures and geographies.

Final Conference of the ERC project Globalized Memorial Museums. Exhibiting Atrocities in the Era of Claims for Moral Universals
10th Annual Conference of the Historical Dialogues, Justice & Memory Network
9th Simon Wiesenthal Conference
Annual Conference of the Institute of Culture Studies

The welcome address and keynote speech on June 25 are open to the public.

For more information, please click here.