
EurAsian Transformations Doctoral Seminar (2024S)

New Perspectives in the Philological, Historical and Cultural Studies of EuraAsia: Basic Methods and Interdisciplinary Approaches

This course will be taught jointly by researchers from different institutions and research fields involved in the Cluster of Excellence "Transformations in Eurasia". It analyses the Eurasian landmass over the last three millennia in terms of empires, belief systems, written cultures, trade relations, conceptions of space and communication. Doctoral students from the full range of philological, historical, cultural or linguistic disciplines with a focus on one of these themes are invited. 

For more information.


Office EurAsia

Rita Maria Garstenauer
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 51581-7217
M: +43 644 73870310

Eleonora Crola
Quellenstrasse 51, 1100 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 25230 7520

Jeanette Kilicci
Apostelgasse 23, 1030 Vienna, Austria
T: +43-1-4277-41756