DR. Claus Trost

Function: PostDoc
Room: 021
Phone: +43 (0) 3842-804-421
E-Mail: claus.trost(at)oeaw.ac.at
Group: Cordill



  • Enthalpy-Driven Self-Healing in Thin Metallic Films on Flexible SubstratesTrost C., A. Lassnig, P. Kreiml, T. Joerg, V.L. Terziyska, C. Mitterer, M.J. CordillADV MATER2024, 2401007 (2024)
  • Residual stress and thickness effects on fracture behavior of trilayer films during uniaxial loadingHusain S.A., P. Kreiml, C.O.W. Trost, D. Faurie, M.J. Cordill, P.O. RenaultTHIN SOLID FILMS788, ARTN 140173 (2023)
  • Fatigue life assessment of metal foils in multifunctional composites via combined experiments and simulationsTrost C., S. Zak, K. Ruderes, R. Hammer, J. Rosc, T. Krivec, N. Schell, H.P. Gänser, A. Hohenwarter, M.J. CordillComposites Part B.259, 110715 (2023)
  • Advancing Mechanical Property Characterisation for Metallic Foils Using Experiments, Simulations, and Machine LearningTrost C. (2023)
  • Inverse parameter determination for metal foils in multifunctional compositesTrost C., M. Krobath, S. Zak, R. Hammer, T. Krivec, H.P. Gänser, T. Trost, A. Hohenwarter, M.J. CordillMaterials & Design, 111711 (2023)
  • Film thickness and architecture effects in biaxially strained polymer supported Al/Mo bilayersCordill M.J., P. Kreiml, B. Putz, C.O.W. Trost, A. Lassnig, C. Mitterer, D. Faurie, P.-O. RenaultMATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS31, ARTN 103455 (2022)
  • Accurate measurement of thin film mechanical properties using nanoindentationZak S., C. Trost, P. Kreiml, M. Cordilljmr2022, ARTN 541-1 (2022)
  • Bridging Fidelities to Predict Nanoindentation Tip Radii Using Interpretable Deep Learning ModelsTrost C., S. Zak, S. Schaffer, C. Saringer, L. Exl, M.: CordillJOM2022, ARTN 5233 (2022)
  • A new approach to evaluate the elastic modulus of metallic foilsTrost C.O.W., S. Wurster, C. Freitag, A. Steinberger, M.J. CordillMater. Des.196, ARTN 109149 (2020)
  • Thermo-mechanisches Verhalten von dünnen Mo-Ag FilmenTrost C. (2018)
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