Vienna, 29 May 2018

Workshop on ontology engineering with a special focus on CIDOC CRM.

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How to model your data with CIDOC CRM

Data modelling is a task central to almost every DH project. Developing a sound conceptual model and formalizing it as an ontology is a highly demanding intellectual task requiring expertise and patience.
To address the growing demand for this type of modelling in many research projects being launched in Austria, the ACDH organizes a Tool Gallery focussed exactly on the task of ontology engineering with a special focus on CIDOC CRM.
CIDOC CRM is a high-level conceptual model, standardised by ISO and tried and tested in a multitude of projects around the world. There is a growing set of tools supporting it. Equipped for modelling generic entities of the world (Actors, Events, Physical & Conceptual Things) and accompanied by a number of more domain-specific extensions, it lends itself ideally to customization and adaptation for the specific needs of individual projects.

In the morning session, invited guest, George Bruseker, expert on CIDOC CRM from ICS FORTH, “the home of CIDOC CRM”, will give a general presentation on ontology modelling in general and CIDOC CRM in particular, followed by three use cases demonstrating the application of CIDOC CRM in ongoing projects. In the afternoon hands-on  session, we turn our attention to participants' specific projects. After an optional short presentation outlining the problem description (domain of discourse, main entities and relations, modelling attempts and challenges encountered), we will organize in small groups to working on individual issues and discuss modelling decisions on the fly with group of experienced modellers, who provide support and consultation.

Requirements for participation

The workshop is targeted at researchers

  • with structured data (at the beginning of a project or working on a proposal)
  • with a basic knowledge of linked open data and semantic technologies

Please bring your own laptop to the workshop.

ACDH Tool Galleries are free and open to all. Registration closed.


09.00 - 09.15        Welcome
Karlheinz Mörth
09.15 - 10.30 Introduction to CIDOC CRM
George Bruseker
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.00 3 use cases
  • Parthenos
    Matteo Lorenzini, Matej Ďurčo
  • OpenAtlas
    Alexander Watzinger, Stefan Eichert
  • A Puzzle in 4D
    Gerald Hiebel, Peter Andorfer
12.00 - 12.30 Preparation and organization
of the practical sessions
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 - 15.00 Practical modelling session I
in groups
15.00 - 15.30 Coffee Break
15.30 - 16.30 Practical modelling session II
16.30 - 17.00 Summary & Concluding remarks
Matej Ďurčo


29 May 2018 – 9:00 to 17:00


Austrian Academy of Sciences
Wohllebengasse 12-14
Seminarraum, ground floor
1040 Vienna