Vienna, 6 December 2016

‘Networks & Visualization’ Extended Version @ dha2016.

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The ACDH Tool Gallery 2.3 Extended Version ‘Network & Visualization Tools’ takes place in the context of the dha2016 conference. This Tool Gallery introduces researchers from different disciplines to network and visualization tools by offering a gallery of selected tools set up at different stations throughout the exhibition space. The tool presenters give a short introduction to their tools and then the researchers have the opportunity to interact with these tools. The different stations offer demos, hands-on exercises, and possibilities to ask questions and talk to the tool developers and researchers who already used these tools in their research.

Requirements for participation

Please bring your own laptop to the workshop.

ACDH Tool Galleries are free and open to all. Registration closed.


  • APIS – Eine Web-app zum Bearbeiten, Anreichern, Visualisieren und Exportieren prosopographischer Datensätze
    Matthias Schlögl, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities / ÖAW
  • DramaVis
    Dario Kampkaspar, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
  • 3-dimensionale visuelle Analyse von Biographiedaten mit GeoTime
    Florian Windhager, Center for Cognition, Information and Management / Danube University Krems
  • Network Exploring the networks of Bavarian dialects: enhancing networks with linked views
    Roberto Therón Sánchez, Departamento de Informática y Automática / Universidad de Salamanca


6 December 2016 – 9:00 to 13:00


Austrian Academy of Sciences
Sonnenfelsgasse 19
1010 Vienna