The goal of this long-term project is to analyse the development of the Austrian media system from the mid of the 19th century up to the present day. The starting point is the diagnosis by Daniel C. Hallin and Paolo Mancini (in their book “Comparing Media Systems”) that the manner in which the daily newspaper medium developed had far-reaching implications for the structures of the media system: from the formation of a specific journalistic self-image, to the role of the state in the media sector and the significance of electronic media. The research project brings together earlier project works under one conceptual roof and is based both on extensive historical research and on the continuous monitoring and analysis of media markets, journalistic practices, and media use in Austria.


Austrian Science Fund (FWF): Project P10761-HIS: “Die Wiener Tagespresse 1945-1955 [The Viennese Daily Newspapers, 1945-1955]”; P09700-HIS: “Institutionelle Struktur der Wiener Tagespresse 1918-1938 [The Institutional Structure of the Viennese Daily Newspapers Industry, 1918-1938]”; P12835-ARS: “Soziale Netzwerke in der Wiener Zeitungsproduktion, 1889-1945 [Social Networks in Viennese Newspaper Publishing, 1889-1945]”; “Dokumentation der Berliner Tageszeitungen 1918-1933 [The Berlin Newspapers, 1918-1933]”

Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank: Project No. 4085: “Datenbankorientierte historische Pressedokumentation [Database Oriented Historic Newspaper Documentation]”

Austrian Newspaper Association (VÖZ): “Dokumentation der Wiener Tageszeitungen 1938-1945 [The Viennese Daily Newspapers 1938-1945]”

Cultural Department of the City of Vienna: Several subprojects

CMC Staff

Ulrike Harmat

Isabella Matauschek †

Melanie Magin

Gabriele Melischek

Wolfgang Mueller

Christian Oggolder

Andreas Riedl

Josef Seethaler

Katja Skodacsek

Birgit Stark

Cooperation Partners

Institute of European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences: Series of lectures and book series "Medienpolitik und Recht" [Media policy and law]

Congress Organisation

Series of Lectures: “Medienpolitik – neu denken | Rethinking Media Politics”, Vienna, April – October 2019

Series of lectures: "Medienpolitik und Recht II" [Media Policy and Law II] (with the Institute of European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences), Vienna, 2011-2012

Series of lectures: Medienpolitik und Recht I [Media Policy and Law I] (with the Institute of European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences), Vienna, 2008-2009

Roundtable: "Die Variablen 'Zeit' und 'Raum' in einer Analyse der Pressemarktstrukturen“ [Time and Space as Variables in the Analysis of Newspaper Markets], Vienna, 2004

Roundtable: "Vorbereitung einer Zeitungsstichtagserhebung in Österreich", Vienna, 2003

Conference „Pressedokumentation – Presseauswertung“ [Documentation and Analysis of Newspapers"] (with Michael Schmolke, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kommunikations­forschung), Vienna, 1994

Publications and Lectures