
DIACOMET: Project partners discuss first results – and ways forward

Shortly before the end of the first project year, the DIACOMET team met for a consortium meeting at the invitation of the Hungarian Europe Society in Budapest (Hungary). The Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC) was represented at the workshop by four staff members. Together with colleagues from all ten European partner institutions, important decisions were made on all ongoing work packages in the project.


DIACOMET is a research project funded by Horizon Europe that deals with current issues in the field of “Dialogic communication ethics and accountability”. The innovative multi-method study will run for three years. As part of the ongoing research, a new Civic Code of Good Communication Conduct is to be developed that takes into account recent changes in public communication due to digitization and the spread of AI. Other outputs – such as the planned interactive "dilemma game" and a forum for learning and discussion about ethical issues in dialogic communication settings – are also likely to become relevant not only from a research perspective, but also for media practice and civil society.
In the DIACOMET project, the four-person team from the CMC is responsible for a systematic analysis of existing ethics codes for public communication. Group leader Dr. Tobias Eberwein and his team members presented the first interim results at the workshop in Budapest: The project partners have already identified more than 400 relevant documents at national and European level, which will now be subjected to a software-based content analysis in the next step. At the same time, a public database with central data is being created, which will also be accessible to the interested public in the future. The project workshop in Budapest enabled all project partners to discuss open questions – and possible ways forward.
Further information on the project can be found on the constantly updated study website: https://diacomet.eu