
Book on "Innovations in Journalism" published by Routledge

The final publication of three years of research in five countries and with the participation of CMC is now available in hardback and open access.

The aim of the research project “Join-Demos” (Journalism Innovation in Democratic Societies) was to examine the impact of innovations on the quality of journalism and its role for democracy and to analyze the framework conditions in an international comparison. 20 researchers were involved in exploring such journalism innovations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The project was funded by DFG, FWF and SNF, in Austria CMC institute and Medienhaus Wien were involved.

The book summarizes the most relevant innovations, from AI to diversity, from data journalism to citizen participation. They were examined in 100 case studies: the goals and expectations associated with these innovations, the supportive and obstructive framework conditions, and their social and industrial impact. The interdependencies between journalistic innovations and their media policy preconditions are compared in a system-analytical way – concluding with the lessons that can be learned from the macrolevel (policies) and the mesolevel (organizations).

The individual chapters or the entire book can be read and downloaded in open access at https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032630410.
The print edition of “Innovations in Journalism” (hardback, £130,00) can be ordered from www.routledge.com/9781032630397.

With contributions from:
Andy Kaltenbrunner, Matthias Karmasin, Renée Lugschitz und Sonja Luef (CMC and Medienhaus Wien); Klaus Meier, Michael Graßl, Korbinian Klinghardt und Maike Körner (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt/D), Jonas Schützeneder (Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal/D), Vinzenz Wyss, Mirco Saner, Guido Keel (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften/CH), Colin Porlezza, Petra Mazzoni (Università della Svizzera italiana Lugano/CH), Jose A. García Avilés, Miguel Carvajal Prieto, Dámaso Mondéjar Aráez, José Valero-Pastor, Félix Arias Robles, Alicia de Lara González (Universidad Miguel Hernández Elche/E).

Link to project