
Michael Bronstein heads AITHYRA

The professor at the University of Oxford is the new scientific directors of the OeAW Institute.

(c) ÖAW/Studio Unkart

As new scientific founding director, Michael Bronstein will bring world-leading expertise in developing novel machine learning technique for biological applications as well as a track record of research commercialization and technological spinoffs and industrial experience.

Michael Bronstein is the DeepMind Professor of AI at the University of Oxford. He was previously Head of Graph Learning Research at Twitter, a Professor at Imperial College London and held visiting appointments at Stanford, MIT, and Harvard. Michael Bronstein received his PhD from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology.

Since 2024, he has been head of the AITHYRA, a new institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation.


Find out more about Michael Bronstein


Michael Bronstein's vision of the AITHYRA