Guest Researchers

2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021| 2022 | 2023 | 2024

Andreas Baumann

Klaus Hofmann

Bettina Kern

Agnes Kim

Thomas Elmar Kolb

Katharina Korecky-Kröll

Anna Marakasova

Elisabeth Montañez Sanabria

Julia Neidhardt

Kevin Rudolf Perner

Kevin Rudolf Perner is a linguist working on acquisition of German as a second language (GSL) in the context of the “Dialect-Standard-Continuum”. His PhD project deals with the informal acquisition of GSL by refugees at their place of employment as apprentices in Upper Austria. He is also very active in working on variation of German in the context of schooling.

Currently he works at the German department (GSL section) of the University of Vienna. 2016 – 2018 he was professor (ph 2) for GSL at Pädagogische Hochschule / Pedagogical University Niederösterreich in Baden. He also worked more than 10 years as a teacher for GSL in youth and adult education.

Jutta Ransmayr

Ass.-Prof. Jutta Ransmayr currently works in the German department and Centre for teacher education at the University of Vienna, where she works in the field of German language didactics, language variation in the teaching context and corpus linguistics. She studied English and American studies, history and German as a foreign language at the University of Vienna, where she did her PhD in applied linguistics. She was part of the ICLTT (Institute of Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology) before joining the ACDH in 2015, where she deals primarily with research and networking activities in the realm of Austrian Standard German and corpus data acquisition (e.g. Austrian Media Corpus). She is an Austrian representative in the Council for German Orthography and one of Austria´s delegates in the EFNIL (European Federation of National Institutions for Language).

Mete Sertkan


Sayuri Yoshida is a visiting researcher with the Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (A)) by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). She works on the project “Establishing digital archives for the preservation, utilization and sharing of the collections of Friedrich Julius Bieber” at the ACDH-CH.

Yoshida has an MA in Cultural Anthropology from Nanzan University and PhD in Anthropology from Nagoya University. She has been Associate Professor of Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University, Japan.

Since 2004, she has been conducting extensive fieldwork in Southwest Ethiopia. In 2014, she began an archival research on the Friedrich Julius Bieber collections. Her focus of interest lies in how people regard and represent their own history and culture, and how such representations influence their historical views and identity today. Yoshida’s work and publications were rewarded with the 20th Takashima Prize of Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies and the 27th Young Researcher’s Award of Japan Association for African Studies.