Univ.-Doz. Dr. habil.

Tatjana Marković

(+43 1) 51581 – 3722


... has studied musicology at the University of Arts in Belgrade, where she also received her Ph.D. She attained her habilitation (musicology) from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (2021). She has taught at the University of Arts in Belgrade, University in Graz, and at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, where she is currently an Adjunct Professor. She is the editor of the open access journal TheMA – Theatre, Music, Arts; a member of advisory board of MGG, editorial board of Studia Musicologica, and chair of the IMS Study Geroup Music and Cultural Studeis.

At the ACDH-CH, Tatjana Marković is part of the research unit Musicology. She is currently head of the project called “Discourses on music at the margins of the Habsburg Empire, c. 1750–1914" (FWF P32695-G), which aims to reconstruct emerging musicology as a discipline and (pre) national music historiographies in order to discover pluricultural musical life along the southern border of the Austrian/Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Her main research interest is Southeast European musical culture and musicology.

Full CV


  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2022. Editorial: Herstory of Southeast Europe. TheMA, Open-Access Research Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts 2022: 1-2.
  • Markovic, Tatjana, ed. 2022. Studia Musicologica. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2021. “Oriental” memories: Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac’s ballad Lem Edim. In Musical History as Seen through Contemporary Eyes. Essays in Honor of H. Robert Cohen, ed. Benjamin Knysak and Zdravko Blažeković, 445-466. Wien: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2021. Networks of Cultural Zones between Imperial Theatre Houses. Migrations of Two Serbian Musicians. In Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music Past, Present and Perspectives, ed. Michaela Mojžišová, 81-99. Bratislava: Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2021. Networks of cultural zones between imperial theatre houses: Migrations of two Serbian Musicians. In Cultural and artistic transfer in theatre and music: Past, present, and perspectives, ed. Michaela Mojzisova, 81-99. Bratislava: VEDA Publishing ouse of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2021. Exile and Emigration in Music Culture (Editorial). TheMA: Theatre, Music, Arts 7: 1-3.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2021. Envoicing the nation: Emerging of national opera traditions in southeast Europe. Vienna: Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.
  • Markovic, Tatjana, ed. 2021. Beethoven off-center. Studia Musicologica 62, special double issue. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1556/6.2020.00000.
  • Markovic, Tatjana, ed. 2021. Southeast European Music, Theatre, Arts, Culture. TheMA: Theatre, Music, Arts (journal) vol. 8. Vienna: Hollitzer.
  • Tatjana Markovic,, ed. 2021. Exile and emigration in music culture. open-access journal TheMA, Theatre, Music, Arts 7/1-2 (2020). Wien: Hollitzer.
  • guest editors Tatjana Markovic and Fritz Trümpi,, ed. 2021. Exploring music life in the late Habsburg Monarchy and successor states. musicological journal Musicologica Austriaca, special issue. Wien: online ÖGMW.
  • Markovic, Tatjana, and Fritz Trümpi. 2021. Special Issue: “Exploring Music Life in the Late Habsburg Monarchy and Successor States”: Editorial Introduction. Musicologica Austriaca 2021: online.
  • guest editors Tatjana Markovic and Fritz Trümpi,, ed. 2021. Exploring music life in the late Habsburg Monarchy and successor states. musiclogical journal Musicologica Austriaca, special issue. Vienna: online.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2021. Contested entertainment: Discussions on operetta in Belgrade, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Jernej Weiss. Opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama / Operetta between the two world wars. Studia Musicologica Labacensia. Ljubljana: Musicologica. doi:10.26493/978-961-293-055-4.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2021. Beethoven off-center: Introduction (Editorial). Studia Musicologica, special double issue 61: 1-5. doi:10.1556/6.2020.00001.
  • Tatjana Markovic,, ed. 2020. TheMA - Theatre, Music, Arts, vol 7 (open-access research journal): "Exile and emigration in music culture". Exile and emigration in music culture (TheMA vol. 7). Wien: Hollitzer Verlag.
  • Tatjana Markovic,, and Misko Suvakovic, eds. 2019. TheMA - Theatre, Music, Arts, vol 6 (open-access research journal): "Transdisciplinarity and new theoretical genres: Cultural turns". Transdisciplinarity and new theoretical genres: Cultural turns (TheMA vol. 6). Wien: Hollitzer.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2019. Transforming torment into ‘happiness’: Ironic national self-portrayal in the rap-opera ‘Zemja sreće’ (Land of happiness, 2007). Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities: Special issue on MusicologyCzech and Slovak Journal of Humanities: Special issue on Musicology 2 (2019) 2 (2019): 84–91.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2019. Staatsoper und das südöstliche Europa: Politische, soziale und kulturelle Vernetzungen. In Geschichte der Oper in Wien, vol. 2: Von 1869 bis zur Gegenwart, ed. C. G. Barbara Boisits Clemens Hellsberg, 154-181. Wien: Molden.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2014. Editorial: Building cultural memory in south-eastern Europe at the eve of modernity. TheMA, Open access journal for theatre, music, arts 2: 1-4.
  • Tatjana Markovic,, ed. 2014. Cultural memory building in south-eastern Europe at the eve of modernity. TheMA, Open access journal for theatre, music, arts, Vienna. Vol. 2/1. Wien: Hollitzer.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2014. Editorial Re/Constructing collective memory musically. Mousikos Logos 2: online.
  • Tatjana Markovic,, ed. 2014. Re/Constructing collective memory musically. Mousikos Logos (online musicological jornal). Corfu: The Ionian University.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2013. In the rhythm(s) of the Balkans. In Voix de la Mémoire – Voices of Memory. Bal·Kan: Miel et Sang – Honey and Blood, eds. Jordi Savall and Sergi Grau Torras, 75–79.. Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès: Alia Vox.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2013. Le(s) rhytme(s) des Balkans. In Voix de la Mémoire – Voices of Memory. Bal·Kan: Miel et Sang – Honey and Blood, ed. S. G. T. Jordi Saval, 32-37. Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès: Alia Vox.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2013. The Ottoman past in the romantic opera’s present: The Ottoman Other in Serbian, Croatian, and Montenegrin opera. In Ottoman intimacies, Balkan music realities, eds. Risto Pekka Pennanen, Panagiotis C. Poulos,, and Aspasia Theodosiou, 71-86. Papers And Monographs Of The Finnish Institute At Athens 19. Helsinki: Suomen Ateenan-instituutin säätiö (Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens).
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2013. Franjo Ksaver Kuhač and mapping south Slavic musical culture. In Franjo Ksaver Kuhač (1834–1911). Glazbena historiografija i identitet/Musical historiography and identity, eds. Vjera Katalinić and Stanislav Tuksar, 121-138. Muzikološki Zbornici 16. Zagreb: Croatian Musicological Society.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2013. Franjo Kuhač i zamisao o zemljovidu južnoslavenske glazbene kulture. Arti musices 44: 237-255.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2013. Balkan music historiography as moving back to the ‚national roots’ and ‚authenticity’. In Die Rückkehr der Denkmäler. Aktuelle retrospektive Tendenzen der Musikwissenschaft, eds. Markus Grassl and Cornelia Szabó-Knotik, 117-127. Musikkontext 6. Wien: Milletre. doi:10.2307/j.ctvdjrntn.9.
  • Tatjana Markovic,, and Andreas Holzer. 2013. Galina Ivanovna Ustvol'skaja. Komponieren als Obsession. Galina Ivanovna Ustvol'skaja. Komponieren als Obsession. Europäische Komponistinnen 8. Wien-Köln-Weimar: Böhlau. doi:10.7788/boehlau.9783412211776.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2013. East of the east: the orient of imperial Russia in the comic opera Fevej (1786) by Vasilij Aleksejevič Paškevič. Thema: Theatre, Music, Arts. Open Access Research Journal I/1 (2012): 65-82.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2012. Harems- und Volkstänze auf der Opernbühne als Identitätssignifikanten in Opern aus Serbien, Kroatien und Montenegro. Österreichische Musikzeitschrift (2012/5): 40-51.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2012. Nostalgia and utopia and/in music: …hold me, neighbor, in this storm… (2007) by Aleksandra Vrebalov. In Muzikološki zbornik/Musicological AnnualMusik, Raum, Akkord, Bild: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Dorothea Baumann, ed. Antonio Baldassarre, 1 (2012):443-458. Bern etc.: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/978-3-0351-0320-5.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2012. How much is opera inter/national?. Muzikološki zbornik/Musicological Annual 1 (2012): 91-107. doi:10.4312/mz.48.1.91-107.
  • Markovic, Tatjana. 2012. Identity under construction: The foundation of Serbian Music historiography. In Identities: The World of Music in Relation to Itself, eds. Tilman Seebass and Mirjana Veselinovic-Hofman, 51-80. Belgrad: Faculty of Music in Belgrade.
  • Tatjana Markovic,. 2011. The Myth on the "First national Opera": The Cases of Serbia and Croatia. Studia Musicologica 52 (2011): 165-177.
  • Tatjana Marković,. 2005. Transfiguracije srpskog romantizma: Muzika u kontekstu studija kulture [Transfigurations of Serbian Music Romanticism - Music in the Context of Cultural Studies]. --. Transfiguracije srpskog romantizma: Muzika u kontekstu studija kulture [Transfigurations of Serbian Music Romanticism - Music in the Context of Cultural Studies]. Theoria. Beograd: Univerzitet umetnosti [University of Arts, Series: Theoria].