Mag. phil.

Silvia Waltl

(+43 1) 51581 – 2336


… was born in Graz and graduated from the University of Vienna in early 2000 after studying Communication Sciences and English and has worked at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) since 2002.

In the AAC, the Austrian Academy Corpora, she was responsible for organizing workflows within the digitization process and helped build and maintain the text corpora. She also worked on the digital edition of the AAC Fackel and later on Die Schaubühne, providing preliminary work for an upcoming digital edition. In recent years, her work within the working group Austrian Corpora and Editions (ACE), as part of the ACDH-CH, was focused on realizing historical-critical digital editions of the works of Thomas Bernhard as part of a cooperation with the Suhrkamp publishing house and the estate of the late author, represented by his half-brother Peter Fabjan. The first edition published was Wittgenstein’s Nephew in 2021, followed by Bernhard’s dramatic work Heldenplatz in early 2024. She has been working in a project team alongside Barbara Tumfart and Andreas Basch, now situated within the research unit Literary&Textual Studies (LTW). Currently, she is involved in building a digital edition of Die Insel, a monthly journal on literature and art, published around 1900, as part of one of the LTW’s main focus areas, the research on newspapers and magazines. 

Silvia Waltl has also been working in art and literature education and mediation and as a creative writing trainer for many years, offering courses, workshops and tutorials for students and adults in various educational institutions and settings including teacher education and school programmes. She has a diploma in Intermedial Art Therapy and a certificate in Arts and Cultural Mediation. She’s currently finishing a Theatre Education programme and is working in theatre projects. In recent years, Silvia has worked within the Albertina Museum’s arts mediation team where she established literature programmes for pupils, students, adults and teachers as part of an intermedial and participatory art education approach. She’s also a teacher for Poetry and Therapy at the Private College of Teacher Education in Linz. Silvia is also a literary author and editor of several anthologies.


  • Tumfart, Barbara, and Silvia Waltl. 2024. Bernhard, (Nicolaas, Nicolaus) Thomas; Ps. Thomas Fabian, Niklas von Heerlen (1931–1989), Schriftsteller. Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon Ab 1815 (2. Überarbeitete Auflage – Online). Wien. doi:10.1553/0x003f39b6.
  • Tumfart, Barbara, Silvia Waltl, Konstanze Fliedl, and Andreas Basch. 2024. Thomas Bernhard: "Heldenplatz". Historisch-Kritische Edition.
  • Tumfart, Barbara, Silvia Waltl, Konstanze Fliedl, and Andreas Basch. 2021. Thomas Bernhard: "Wittgensteins Neffe". Historisch-Kritische Edition.
  • Waltl, Silvia. 2021. Hertha Kräftner: Ferne nirgends und überall. ÖBL - Biographie des Monats November 2021 (online).
  • Waltl, Silvia, ed. 2020. im blattwerk. 20 Jahre Schreib-und Literaturwerkstatt an der VHS Liesing. 2000 bis 2020. Ein Jubiläumsbuch.. Edition Libica.
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Publications (Before ACDH)


Waltl, Silvia (Hg.): im blattwerk. 20 Jahre Schreib- und Literaturwerkstatt Liesing. Ein Jubiläumsbuch. Mit einer methodisch-pädagogischen Einführung von Silvia Waltl.Edition Libica. Wien, 1. Oktober 2020. ISBN: 978-3-903137-31-8.


Waltl, Silvia (Hg.): muschelgang gegen den sturm. salongedichte 2016-2018. Mit einem poetologischen Essay von Silvia Waltl. Edition Libica; Wien 2019. ISBN 978-3-903137-20-2.


Waltl, Silvia (Hg.): über kurz oder lang. salongedichte 2014-2016. Eigenverlag, 2016.


Waltl, Silvia (Hg.): schneisen in den wind geschrieben. salongedichte 2012-2014. Mit einem poetologischen Essay von Silvia Waltl. Edition Libica; Wien 2014. ISBN 978-3-9503701-3-3


Klein, Simone Stefanie; Waltl, Silvia (Hg.): wie durch löcher in der zeit. Ein Lesebuch. Mit einer Einführung zur literaturpädagogischen Methodik. Edition Libica; Wien 2014. ISBN 978-3-9503701-1-9


Ernst, Gustav; Fleischanderl, Karin: KOLIK Spezial: 10 Jahre Schreibwerkstatt Langschlag Wurzelhof. Redaktion: Ernst, Gustav, Schindel, Robert, Kraner, Robert, Waltl, Silvia. Verein für neue Literatur; Wien 2013. ISSN 1560-6775


Waltl, Silvia (Hg.): an einem wunderroten faden. Texte und Methoden der schreib- und literaturpädagogischen Arbeit in der Erwachsenenbildung. Edition VHS; Wien 2007. ISBN 978-3900799878