Mag. Dr.

Martin Anton Müller

(+43 1) 51581 – 2244


... works as a project lead in the research unit Literary&Textual Studies. When he joined the ACDH-CH in 2018, he played a crucial role in completing the online edition of Schnitzler's diary. Since then, he has developed numerous digital editions focusing on Schnitzler and early 20th-century literature. His primary focus has been on Schnitzler's literary correspondences, a chronology, newspaper clippings, and the memoirs of Schnitzler's late partner, Clara Katharina Pollaczek. Additionally, he is one of the maintainers of the web service PMB, which contains over 50,000 entities from Vienna in the year 1900.

Martin Anton Müller's educational background includes a degree in German literature and training as an art teacher. He earned his PhD in philosophy from the University of Vienna, specializing in a thesis titled "On children's entitlement to beat their parents (France 1748–1766)." During his work on print, hybrid, and online editions, he gradually became more proficient in using digital tools.
