Mag. Dr.

Marina Rauchenbacher


... studied German Studies and Communication Studies at the Universities of Salzburg and Vienna. She worked as a research assistant to the project "Kunst im Text" ("Art in Texts," funded by the Austrian Science Fund) at the Universities of Salzburg and Vienna and as a university assistant at the Department of German Studies, University of Vienna. In 2012, she completed her doctoral thesis on the reception of Karoline von Günderrode. She was an affiliated scholar at the Beatrice Bain Research Group, University of California, Berkeley (2014/2015) and lecturer for the master’s program Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Graz (2016).

Since fall 2015, she has been a research assistant to the project Arthur Schnitzler – Critical Edition (Early Works) – first at the German Department, University of Vienna and since fall 2020 at ACE (ACDH-CH), now Literary&Textual Studies. She is co-editor of "Reigen" (2019; with Konstanze Fliedl) and editor of "Der Witwer. Die Gefährtin."

She has also been teaching at the University of Vienna (Department of German Studies and Gender Studies) since 2015. In addition, she is a co-applicator and team member of the research project "Visualities of Gender in German-Language Comics" (funded by the Austrian Science Fund, University of Music an Performing Arts Vienna). Since 2019, she has been a board member of aka – Arbeitskreis Kulturanalyse, as well as co-founder and board member of the Austrian Association for Comics (OeGeC).

Her research and academic teaching interests include edition philology and German-language literature (around 1900 and 20th and 21st century), visual culture studies, comics, gender studies, intersectionality, and reception theory.


  • Schnitzler, Arthur. 2023. Der Witwer. Die Gefährtin. Hg. v. Marina Rauchenbacher unter Mitarbeit von Ingo Börner, Anna Lindner, Isabella Schwentner und Miriam Sibitz.. Marina Rauchenbacher. Arthur Schnitzler. Werke In Historisch-Kritischen Ausgaben. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111085593.

Publications (Before ACDH)


A Brief History of Girlsplaining? Reading Klengel, Patu, and Schrupp with Strömquist. Or: Reflecting Visualities of Gender and Feminism in German-Language Comics. In: Kristy Beers Fägersten, Anna Nordenstam, Margareta Wallin Wictorin und Leena Romu (Hg.): Comic Art and Feminism in the Baltic Sea Region. Transnational Perspectives. London: Routledge 2021 (Routledge Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Comics), S. 61–82 [mit Katharina Serles].


Fragmented and Framed. Precarious ‚Body Signs‘ in Comics by Regina Hofer, Ulli Lust, Barbara Yelin and Peer Meter. In: Nina Eckhoff-Heindl u. Véronique Sina (Hg.): Spaces Between. Gender, Diversity and Identity in Comics. Wiesbaden: Springer 2020, S. 79–93 [mit Katharina Serles].


Arthur Schnitzler: Reigen. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. 2 Bde. Hg. gemeinsam mit Konstanze Fliedl. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2019 (= Historisch-kritische Ausgabe der Werke Arthur Schnitzlers. Hg. v. Konstanze Fliedl)


The Dashes, the Decoupling, the Break-off: (Re-)Placements of Discourses on Sexuality in "Reigen," "REIZENDER REIGEN"and "REIGEN RELOADED." In: Austrian Studies 27 (2019): Placing Schnitzler, S. 105–119.


Die Erkundung der Bilder im Schreiben des Raumes – Die Erkundung des Raumes im Schreiben der Bilder. Barbara Frischmuths (Re-)Konstruktion visueller Kulturen in "Das Verschwinden des Schattens in der Sonne." In: Anna Babka, Silvana Cimenti und Peter Clar (Hg.): „Ich schreibe, also bin ich.“ Schreibweisen bei Barbara Frischmuth. Unter Mitarbeit von Flora Petrik. Wien: Sonderzahl 2019, S. 113–128.


Inszenierung und Suggestion. Mutzenbachers Medien(reflexion). In: Clemens Ruthner und Matthias Schmidt (Hg.): Die Mutzenbacher. Lektüren und Kontexte eines Skandalromans. Wien: Sonderzahl 2019, S. 247–260 [mit Matthias Schmidt].


Opposing Viewpoints. Politics of Gazing in the Graphic Novel "Gift." In: Colloquia Germanica 48.4 (2015): Special Issue: German Graphic Novel. Eds. Lynn Kutch and Brett E. Sterling, S. 245–265. [Publikationsjahr: 2018].


Aufgehoben? Speichertexte, -medien und -diskurse. Hg. mit Susanne Eichhorn, Bernhard Oberreither, Isabella Schwentner u. Katharina Serles: Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2017.


Karoline von Günderrode. Eine Rezeptionsstudie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2014 [= Dissertation. Universität Wien 2012].


Handbuch der Kunstzitate. Malerei, Skulptur, Fotografie in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Moderne. 2 Bde. Hg. gemeinsam mit Konstanze Fliedl u. Joanna Wolf: Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2011.