"Meet The Researchers" Programme

During their time at the ACDH-CH, we want to give interns the opportunity to experience the full spectrum of research and activities at the institute even beyond the immediate radius of everyday tasks within their assigned department, work group or project. We therefore encourage interns to take part in our "Meet The Researchers" programme, which allows interns to meet with our digital humanities experts, gain insight into various projects and activities and experience the scope of DH research today. The "Meet The Researchers" programme is not only an excellent way for interns to find out more about the inner workings of the ACDH-CH and its broad range of projects, it is also a great opportunity to get to know more of the ACDH-CH staff and other interns.

For a few impressions of past "Meet The Researchers" sessions, have a look at the image gallery below!


ACDH-CH Internships Coordination