Ioana Aminian Jazi


(+43 1) 51581 – 2243


... is Principal Investigator in the FWF project Documenting Zargari. A missing link in understanding Romani aiming to investigate the highly endangered and undocumented Romani variety spoken by less than 500 people in the Zargar village of northwest Iran. She is part of the research unit Linguistics.

Ioana Aminian Jazi completed her Bachelor's studies in Translation Studies in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Erlangen, Germany, followed by Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Romance Studies in Vienna (BA) and Jena (MA). Currently, she is finalizing her PhD at the Institute for Romance Studies, University of Vienna, focusing on "Postvernacular Judeo-Spanish in Istanbul: Dynamics, Attitudes, Values". Throughout her academic career, Ioana has held various roles, including scientific staff positions at Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena (2013–2015), as well as a pre-doctoral university assistant at the University of Vienna (2014–2018). She has also worked as scientific staff in the project Innovation in Research and Documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage Kommission (VLACH) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2018–2020).


Aminian Jazi, Ioana and Kahl, Thede, eds. 2023. Ethno-cultural Diversity in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences.


Kahl, Thede and Nechiti, Ioana. 2019. The Boyash in Hungary. A Comparative Study among the ‘Argeleni’ and ‘Munceni’ Communities. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences.


Kahl, Thede and Nechiti, Ioana. 2016. Minderheitensprachen und Kulturkontakt im Budschak. Eindrücke einer Feldforschung in Südbessarabien (Ukraine). In: Wolfgang Dahmen, Günther Holtus, Johannes Krammer, Michael Metzeltin et al. (eds.). Südosteuropäische Romania. Siedlungs- Migrationsgeschichte und Sprachtypologie, XXVI Romanistisches Kolloquium. Tübingen: Narr. 3-32. ISBN: 978-3-82-33-6881-6


Kahl, Thede and Nechiti, Ioana. 2015. Feldforschungen zu den Kalmücken und ihrer Kultur. Ziele und Inhalte eines neuen Dokumentationsprojektes. In: Helmut Kowar (ed.). International forum on audio-visual research.Vienna: Jahrbuch des Phonogrammarchivs der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften VI. 11-26.


Nechiti, Ioana. 2015. ‘Ich kann singen, aber nicht sprechen‘. Die sephardische Renaissance auf der Bühne. In: Thede Kahl, Johannes Krammer & Elton Prifti (eds.). Romanica et Balcanica. Festschrift für Wolfgang Dahmen zum 65. Geburtstag. München: AMV-Verlag. 181-214. ISBN: 978-3-95477-036-6


Kahl, Thede, Cholutaeva, Svetlana and Nechiti, Ioana. 2014. Die Kalmücken. Beobachtungen zur Revitalisierung einer westmongolischen Sprache und Kultur in Osteuropa. Europa Ethnica 1-2, 19-23.


Thede Kahl and Nechiti, Ioana. 2012. Aschenputtel bei den Bajeschi und Rudari. Vergleich zweier Märchen anhand von Feldaufnahmen in Ungarn und Griechenland. In: Wolfgang Dahmen, Günther Holtus & Johannes Krammer (eds.). Südosteuropäische Romania. Siedlungs-, Migrationsgeschichte und Sprachtypologie, XXV Romanistisches Kolloquium. Tübingen: Narr. 191-226. ISBN: 978-3-82-33-6740-6



Other publications

Digital Resource – Language Documentation

1. Aminian Jazi, Ioana, Deyvi Papo and Imane Sghiouar. 2019-2021. Judeo-Spanish multimedia language documentation collection of Judeo-Spanish in Istanbul

Full list of titles

Video Collection

YouTube Playlist of Video Collection


2. Aminian Jazi, Ioana. 2019. Characteristics of the Judeo-Spanish variety in Turkey


3. Aminian Jazi, Ioana. 2019. Characteristics of the Boyash variety in Hungary