Alexander Watzinger

(+43 1) 51581 – 2228


... is a software developer with a special interest in data modeling and scientific web applications. Since 2000 he developed software in many different companies before joining the ACDH-CH in 2017. Since 2013 he also acts as the main developer of OpenAtlas, an open source database system for the humanities and beyond. His favorite tools are Python, PostgreSQL, Linux, and open source software in general.

At the ACDH-CH, Alex leads the Cultural Heritage Artifacts and Context group within the research unit DH Research&Infrastructure, where he continues the development of OpenAtlas and coordinates the team and its numerous international collaborations.


  • G. Verhoeven,, B. Wild, J. Schlegel, M. Wieser, N. Pfeifer, S. Wogrin, L. Eysn, et al. 2022. Project INDIGO – document, disseminate & analyse a graffiti-scape. In Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-2/W1-2022. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVI-2-W1-2022-513-2022.
  • Alexander Watzinger,. 2019. OpenAtlas - How to Grow Software for Historians. In Power in Landscape. Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research, eds. Mihailo St. Popović, Veronika Polloczek,, Bernhard Koschicek,, and Stefan Eichert, 193-201. Leipzig: Eudora-Verlag.
  • Stefan Eichert,, and Alexander Watzinger. 2015. OpenAtlas. Vienna. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3482777.