Thu, 06.12.2018 – 08.12.2018

Standard Languages in Europe

On December 6-8 2018, the international conference "Standard Languages ​​in Europe - Attitudes and Perception" will take place in Vienna, to which we cordially invite.

CC-BY 4.0, Arnold Graf

Standard Languages in Europe –
Attitudes and Perception

Questions regarding standard languages, both from a linguistic and an attitudinal/perceptual point of view, are currently the subject of intensive research across all of Europe, in both national and international projects. As this is the case for Austria as well (cf., we would like to create an opportunity to bring experts together and to provide a platform in order to exchange, discuss and present recent relevant activities as well as methodological issues and innovative approaches on the topic of standard languages in Europe (with an emphasis on Germanic languages), emphasizing attitudinal and perceptual aspects. A special focus will be on bottom-up approaches on an empirical basis.

Together with the following experts (in alphabetical order) we will discuss and exchange views on recent and current projects, findings and future activities:

•    Stephan Elspaß (University of Salzburg)
•    Anne-Sophie Ghyselen (Ghent University)
•    Chris Montgomery (University of Sheffield)
•    Nicolai Pharao (University of Copenhagen)
•    Albrecht Plewnia (IDS Mannheim)
•    Christoph Purschke (University of Luxembourg)
•    Unn Røyneland (University of Oslo)
•    Regula Schmidlin (University of Fribourg)
•    Rebekka Studler (University of Basel)

For further information, please visit:

The registration is open until 22 November 2018.




6-8 December 2018


Acoustics Research Institute
Austrian Acacemy of Sciences
Wohllebengasse 12-14
1040 Vienna


Alexandra Lenz


Conference website



Project DiOe


Thu, 06.12.2018 – 08.12.2018

Standard Languages in Europe

On December 6-8 2018, the international conference "Standard Languages ​​in Europe - Attitudes and Perception" will take place in Vienna, to which we cordially invite.

CC-BY 4.0, Arnold Graf

Standard Languages in Europe –
Attitudes and Perception

Questions regarding standard languages, both from a linguistic and an attitudinal/perceptual point of view, are currently the subject of intensive research across all of Europe, in both national and international projects. As this is the case for Austria as well (cf., we would like to create an opportunity to bring experts together and to provide a platform in order to exchange, discuss and present recent relevant activities as well as methodological issues and innovative approaches on the topic of standard languages in Europe (with an emphasis on Germanic languages), emphasizing attitudinal and perceptual aspects. A special focus will be on bottom-up approaches on an empirical basis.

Together with the following experts (in alphabetical order) we will discuss and exchange views on recent and current projects, findings and future activities:

•    Stephan Elspaß (University of Salzburg)
•    Anne-Sophie Ghyselen (Ghent University)
•    Chris Montgomery (University of Sheffield)
•    Nicolai Pharao (University of Copenhagen)
•    Albrecht Plewnia (IDS Mannheim)
•    Christoph Purschke (University of Luxembourg)
•    Unn Røyneland (University of Oslo)
•    Regula Schmidlin (University of Fribourg)
•    Rebekka Studler (University of Basel)

For further information, please visit:

The registration is open until 22 November 2018.




6-8 December 2018


Acoustics Research Institute
Austrian Acacemy of Sciences
Wohllebengasse 12-14
1040 Vienna


Alexandra Lenz


Conference website



Project DiOe