Vienna Yearbook of Population Research


The VYPR  is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal without any fees published by the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID).
It addresses population trends as well as a broad range of theoretical and methodological issues in population research and is indexed by SCOPUS, JSTOR, ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources).

For the content of the next Special Issue on COVID-19 please see the call.

COVID-19 Research

Please find a collection on latest COVID-19 related research and resources at the Wittgenstein Centre here.

Wittgenstein Centre Human Capital Data Explorer

Explore, select and download data on past reconstructions and future projections of the global population by age, sex and education – and visualize it with the Wittgenstein Centre Human Capital Graphic Explorer

European Demographic Data Sheet

The European Demographic Data Sheet 2020  reviews, explores and visualises recent population trends in 45 European countries. It also focuses on measuring and assessing education, well-being and internal migration and examining recent trends in fertility and mortality.

Aging Demographic Data Sheet 2020

The Aging Demographic Data Sheet 2020 comprehensively presents new measures of aging for all countries in the world and world regions. While traditional measures of aging do not capture the changing characteristics and capabilities of people, the new measures take account of the diversity of populations and considers differences across population subgroups, and over time and space. These measures provide policy makers all over the world with a clearer understanding of how population aging has occurred in their countries in the past and how it is likely to evolve in the future. The Data Sheet also features traditional measures of aging, rankings and graphs, and contains a detailed glossary.

Prospective Longevity

In this pathbreaking book, Warren C. Sanderson and Sergei Scherbov provide a new way to measure individual and population aging. Instead of counting how many years we’ve lived, we should think about the number of years we have left, our “prospective age.” Sanderson and Scherbov’s pioneering model has already been adopted by the United Nations.

Demographische Forschung aus erster Hand

In der aktuellen Ausgabe finden Sie die folgenden Themen:

  • Lebenserwartung: Warum stehen die USA so schlecht da? Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen als wesentlicher Faktor
  • Wohin wir wandern. Pro Jahr ziehen drei Prozent aller Einwohner in Deutschland in ein anderes Kreisgebiet
  • Das geteilte Kind. Getrennte Eltern sind nicht unbedingt zufriedener, wenn sie ihr Kind im gleichen Umfang betreuen


The new Department of Demography of the University of Vienna (part of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna)) is planning a new Master’s Programme in “Global Demography” which is likely to start in October 2021. The aim of the two-year MSc degree in Global Demography is to acquire scientific skills in the analysis and forecasting of demographic trend around the world and the analysis of possible effects on the economy, society and the environment. The Programme will be offered in English and there are only minimal tuition fees. Financial support for subsistence may be possible for selected students.