Do, 10.10.2019 18:00

Coding and Encoding

New Approaches to the Study of Syriac and Arabic Translations of Greek Scientific and Philosophical Texts

Workshop by the ERC StG HUNAYNNET

The ERC Project “HUNAYNNET. Transmission of Classical Scientific and Philosophical Literature from Greek into Syriac and Arabic” (ERC Grant Agreement n.679083) will have a three-day international exploratory workshop.

The workshop begins on Thursday 10 Oct. 2019, at 18:00, with the keynote lecture by

Prof. Dimitri Gutas (Yale University) on the topic

Graeco-Arabic Studies beyond Greek and Arabic:

Integrating the Western Humanities Canon



Keynote Lecture

Thursday 10 Oct. 2019, 18:00h

Theatersaal of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Sonnenfelsgasse 19
1010 Vienna.

workshop’s sessions

Friday 11 Oct. 2019, 09:00h -  Saturday, 12 Oct., 19:30h

Seminar Room,1st Floor
Hollandstraße 11–13
1020 Vienna
