2nd Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change (AAR2) (UIBK)

AAR2-Team at UIBK: Margreth Keiler (Co-Chair, Project Management), Kay Helfricht (Technical Support Unit), Eva-Maria Hummel (Technical Support Unit)

The aim of the AAR2 is to survey the state of knowledge on climate change in Austria and its consequences, as well as to identify mitigation potentials and strategies, adaptation options and transformation paths. Gaps in knowledge are to be closed in the sense of a climate-neutral society and the status report is to be published in summer 2025. The project is based on the processes of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and is relevant for the implementation of the 13. SDG (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts). Over the next three years, more than 120 scientists will work together on the new, comprehensive climate report for Austria. This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund as part of the 14th Austrian Climate Research Programme.

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