Mag. Dr.

Saskia Haag


… works at the Thomas Bernhard Research Center within the reseach unit Literary&Textual Studies. A key objective is the creation of a digital research platform that will provide access to Bernhard’s works, his papers, and reception; it will promote current scholarly debate as well as engage a broader public. Having specialized in Austrian literature of the 19th and 20th century, Saskia is particularly interested in forms and formats of Bernhard’s writing within the literary tradition. Her publications include studies on Adalbert Stifter, Viennese popular comedy, and journalistic writing around 1900. 

Saskia was a faculty member at the University of Konstanz, after receiving her doctorate in Literature with a thesis on literary imaginations of houses and private space. She worked as a Visiting Researcher and Lecturer at Princeton University, taught US American students abroad, and created editing services for academic texts, before joining the ACDH-CH.