SCIEM2000 - EuroConference

2nd-7th of May 2001 - Haindorf, Lower Austria


09:00 Opening of the Conference by
Dr. Edward Whitehead, EC - Monitoring Co-ordinater
09:15 Manfred Bietak Vision of the Synchronization Research Programme
09:30 1st Session Sciences
09:30 Otto Cichocki Progress Report on the Cedar Wood Dendrochronology Project
10:00 Ramzi Touchan Tree Rings as Archives of Environmental History
10:30 Peter Stadler Further Developments on "Montelius", an Image Database Front-End for Archaeological Typology, with a Back-End for Evaluation in "WinSerion" Dynamical Typology with Drag 'n Drop
11:00 Break
11:15 2nd Session Sciences
11:15 Hendrik J.Bruins Radiocarbon Series of Jericho in Relation to Thera and Egypt
11:45 Ezra S. Marcus Dating the Early Middle Bronze Age in the Southern Levant - towards a marriage of AMS, Radiocarbon and Conventional Synchronizations?
12:15 Walter Kutschera Carbon 14 Measurements at the VERA Laboratory
12:45 Discussion

13:00 Lunch

14:15 3rd Session Interregional Projects
14:15 Manfred Bietak Briefing about the First Appearance Project
14:45 Albert Leonard Mycenaean Pottery in the East
15:15 Tine Bagh Chronology of the Painted Wares in the Middle Bronze Age Levant
15:45 Break
16:00 4th Session Interregional Projects
16:00 Daphna Ben-Tor Egyptian-Levantine Relations and Chronology in the Middle Bronze Age: Scarab Research
16:30 Baruch Brandl The Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck Scarabs Reconsidered
17:00 Stefan Hiller Beni Hassan, the Beginning of Minoan Wall Painting and the Aegean Chronology
17:30 General Discussion

10:45 5th Session Anatolia
9:00 Andreas Müller-Karpe The Hittites and their Neighbours in the 15th/14th Century BC
9:30 Harald Hauptmann The Chronology of the Upper Middle Euphrates, Based on the Excavations at Lidar Höyük
10:00 Felix Blocher Chronological Aspects of the Karum Age (Middle Bronze Age) in Anatolia
10:30 Break
10:45 6th Session Palestine - Sciences
10:45 Peter Fischer The Preliminary Chronology of Tell el-cAjjul. Results of the Seasons 1999 and 2000
11:15 Max Bichler
with comments by
Peter Fischer
Progress Report on the Thera Ashes Project
12:00 Sturt Manning High Resolution Absolute Chronology for mid 2nd Millennium, an Aegean World Project
12:30 Discussion

12:45 Lunch

14:00 7th Session Cyprus
14:00 Vassos Karageorghis Recommendations for the Research of Cypriote Chronology of the 2nd Millennium BC
14:30 Sophocles Hadjisavvas Dating Alassa
15:00 Celia Bergoffen The Late Cypriote Pottery from Alalakh: Chronological Considerations
15:30 Kathryn Eriksson A Preliminary Synthesis of Recent Chronological Observations on the Relations between Cyprus and other Eastern Mediterranean Societies during the Late Middle Bronze - Late Bronze I Periods
16:00 Discussion
16:15 Break
16:30 8th Session Egypt
16:30 Manfred Bietak Progress Report on the Egypt Project
17:00 Irene Forstner-Müller The Beginning of the Hyksos Period at Tell el-Dabca
17:30 Karin Kopetzky The Fabrics of Tell el-Dabca and their Chronological Distribution
18:00 Discussion

9:00 9th Session Egypt
9:00 Susan J. Allen The Tomb of a Lady of the 12th Dynasty at Dahshur
9:30 Zbignew Szafranski Two Diverse Elements which Contribute to Egyptian Chronology
10:00 David Aston Well dated Contexts from New Kingdom Tombs
10:30 Break
10:45 10th Session Egypt
10:45 Daniel Polz New Chronological Points of Reference in Drac Abu el-Naga - the Context
11:15 Anne Seiler New Chronological Points of Reference in Drac Abu el-Naga - the Ceramics
11:45 Discussion
12:15 Poster Session

12:45 Lunch

14:00 11th Session Syria
14:00 Lorenzo Nigro
on behalf of
Paolo Matthiae
A Chronology Project for Syria
14:10 Lorenzo Nigro The Smith and the King of Ebla. Tell el-Yahudiyeh Ware, Metallic Wares and the Ceramic Chronology of Middle Bronze Syria
14:35 Nicolo Marchetti Middle Bronze Age Jericho
15:00 Break
15:15 12th Session Canaan
15:15 Amihai Mazar Tell Beth Shean in the 2nd Millennium BC. Aspects of Stratigraphy, Chronology and International Connections.
15:45 Baruch Brandl Scarabs from the 2nd Millennium found at Beth Shean
16:00 Eliezer Oren Egypto-Canaanite Synchronization - A View from the Sinai Landbridge and the Gaza Region
16:30 Michal Artzy Provenience and Ceramic Synchronization
17:00 Break
16:00 13th Session General Discussion on Chronology Research in the Eastern Mediterranean

9:00 14th Session The Aegean
9:00 Jacke Philipps An unconsidered Trifle.
9:30 Athanasia Kanta The Chronology of LM III C and its Correlations with the Greek Mainland ans Cyprus. Some New Evidence from Crete
10:00 Walter Gauß EH III Wares from Aigina Kolonna
10:30 Break
10:45 15th Session The Aegean
10:45 Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy Progress Report on "The End of Mycenaean Culture" Project
11:15 Eva Alram The Acropolis of Aigeira before the Mycenaean Settlement: the Chronology
11:45 Spyros Iakovidis A Chronological Account between LH III C Perati and the Levant
12:15 Discussion

12:45 Lunch

14:00 16th Session Astrochronology
14:00 Maria G. Firneis Progress Report on Egyptian Astrochronology
14:30 Rolf Krauss Errors and Corrections in Egyptian Chronology
15:00 Ulrich Luft Priorities in Absolute Chronology
15:30 Discussion

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