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SCIEM2000 - EuroConference

2nd-7th of May 2001 - Haindorf, Lower Austria

Aims & Additional Information

The conference will last from May 2. - 7., whereas first and last day are reserved for the journey. In the evening of May 2 there will be an informal reception in Schloß Haindorf near Langenlois, Lower Austria where the conference will take place. The conference will start on Thursday, May 3. at 9 a.m.

Haindorf Castle
Haindorf Castle
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I would ask all participants arriving in Vienna to be so kind and let me know their time of arrival, in order to organise a transfer to the place of conference. Information how to get to Langenlois by public conveyance you will find at

Aim of the conference is to intensify international discussion and co-operation in chronology research in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BC. By presenting progress-reports and problems arising from recent research we want to build the foundation for future work. This should be achieved through short lectures and discussions. There will also be the possibility to present posters.

The programme of the conference covers a broad spectrum of chronological research.

One day will be dedicated to natural scientific methods as

The programme of the conference covers a broad spectrum of chronological research.

We expect archaeological reports relating to chronological issues from

This should lead to thorough discussion which we are sure will take us further in task to gather knowledge on the chronology of the Second Millennium B.C.

Tel.: +43-1-515 81 6101
Fax: + 43-1-515 81 6114

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