Studia doctrinae christianae Upsaliensia

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Bibliographic Details
Place / Publishing House:Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell, 1964-1991
Publication history:1.1964 - 33.1991
Series:Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
Contents/pieces:33 records
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Title Year Edition Band
Kyrklig dogmatik : den kristna trosåskådningen med särskild hänsyn till det eskatogiska motivet och den frälsningshistoriska grundsynen / Hjalmar Lindroth ...
Olavus Petris reformatoriska åskådning / Sven Ingebrand 1964 1
Albert Schweitzers etisk-religiösa ideal / Martin Lönnebo 1964 2
Die Vermittlungstheologie : ihre theologischen Grundbegriffe kritisch untersucht / Ragnar Holte 1965 3
Religion och metafysik : Axel Hägerströms och Anders Nygrens religionsteorier och dessas inflytande i svensk religionsdebat / Jarl Hemberg 1966 4
Kyrkosynen i Einar Billings teologi / Gösta Wrede 1966 5
Jesuitische Anthropologie und Erziehungslehre in der Frühzeit des Ordens : (ca. 1540 - ca. 1650) / Mabel Lundberg 1966 6
Butler and Hume on religion : a comparative analysis / Anders Jeffner 1966 7
Himmelrikets nycklar och kyrklig bot i Luthers teologi, 1517-1537 / Ingemar Öberg 1970 8
Venerabilis et adorabilis eucharistia : en studie i den lutherska nattvardsläran under 1500-talet / Tom G. A. Hardt 1971 9
Schöpfung, Vernunft und Gesetz in Luthers Theologie / Herbert Olsson 1971 10
Die Gottebenbildlichkeit in der Theologie Helmut Thielickes : Untersuchung eines Beispiels der personalistisch-existentiellen Konzeption der theologischen Anthropologie / Agne Nordlander 1973 11
Mänsklighetstanken i äldre och nyare teologi / Lars Thunberg 1974 13
Unio mystica : Probleme der Erfahrung bei Johannes Tauler / Gösta Wrede 1974 14
Kriterien christlicher Glaubenslehre : eine prinzipielle Unters. heutiger protestantischer Dogmatik im dt. Sprachbereich 1977 15
"Det saliga bytet" : Frälsningsschema och frälsarbild i teologihistorien / Lars Thunberg 1977 16
Life-giving blessing : an inquiry into the eucharistic doctrine of Cyril of Alexandria / Ezra Gebremedhin 1977 17
Luther on predestination : the antinomy and the unity between love and wrath in Luther's concept of God / Fredrik Brosché 1978 18
Christus redemptor et consummator : a study in the theology of B. F. Westcott. Transl. by Neil Tomkinson / Folke Olofsson 1979 19
Karl Heim on philosophy, science and the transcendence of God / Ingemar Holmstrand 1980 20
The dual nature of man : a study in the theological anthropology of Gregory of Nazianzus / Anna-Stina Ellverson 1981 21
A metaphysics for theology : a study of some problems in the later philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and its application to issues in contemporary theology / M. Sten Philipson 1982 22
Fädernas Kyrka : en idéhistorisk studie i folkkyrkotanken hos J. A. Eklund mot bakgrund av sekelskfitets kulturdebatt / Karl Josef Sundberg 1982 [ 23
Man's ontological predicament : a detailed analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's concept of sin with special reference to "The concept of dread" / Edward Harris 1984 24
Problems of religions experience / Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm 1985 25
Sven Lidman om människan och gud : en innehållsanalytisk under sökning / Hans Sundberg 1986 26
The scope and limits of John Macquarrie's existential theology / David Jenkins 1987 27
Theology and integration : 4 essays in philosophical theology / Anders Jeffner 1987 28
Die visio intellectualis als Erkenntnisweg und -ziel des Nicolaus Cusanus / Birgit H. Helander 1988 29
Romans interpreted : a comparative analysis of the commentaries of Barth, Nygren, Cranfield and Wilckens on Paul's epistle to the Romans / Cristina Grenholm 1990 30
The saving passion : incarnational and soteriological thought in Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John / Lars Koen 1991 31
Faith in the world of work : on the theology of work as lived by the French worker-priests and British industrial mission / Lillemor Erlander 1991 32
Understanding an act of God : an essay in philosophical theology / Mats J. Hansson 1991 33