Studia Slavica Upsaliensia

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Bibliographic Details
Place / Publishing House:Uppsala [u.a.] : Almqvist & Wiksell, 1960-
Publication history:1.1960 -
Series:Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
Contents/pieces:44 records
Notes:Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
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Title Year Edition Band
Studia Slavica Gunnaro Gunnarsson sexagenario dedicata / [red. du vol.: Józef Trypućko] 1960 1
The Melusina saga : the text in UUB Slav 34 and a study in 17th century literary language in Russia / Gun Bergman 1964 2
"Das Häuschen in Kolomna" in der poetischen Erbschaft A. S. Puškins : Text, Interpretation und literaturhistorischer Kommentar / Jurij Semjonow 1965 3
Rysk civilrättsterminologi i Sovjetunionen : With an English summary: Russian civil law terminology in the Soviet Union / Andreas Ådahl 1966 4
Categories of content and form in language : a study of the personal and impersonal constructions in Russian / by Karin Pontoppidan-Sjövall 1968 5
Turkisms : In Ivo Andric's Na Drini Cuprija examinded from the points of view of literary style and cultural history / Gun Bergman 1969 6
O jezyku : Wspomnien dziecinstwa Franciszka Mickiewicza / Józef Trypucko 1969 7
Upotreblenie kratkoj formy stradatel'nogo pricastija prosedsego vremeni v sovremennom russkom jazyke : with a summary in English: The use of the short form of the past passive participle modern Russian / Lennart Lönngren 1970 8
On stress assignment and vowel reduction in contemporary standard Russian / Nils B. Thelin 1971 9
Öststatsforskning en tvärvetenskaplig disciplin : With an English summary: Soviet and East European studies- an interdisciplinary science / Andreas Ådahl 1971 10
Studien zur Erzähltechnik in den Novellen V. M. Garšins / Lennart Stenborg 1972 11
Die Distribution der urindogermanischen sogenannten Gutturale / Lars Steensland 1973 12
Dziesięć lat językoznawstwa polskiego : 1956 - 1965 ; próba bibliografii = Ten years of Polish linguistics / Józef Trypućko 1973 13
Łacińska końcówka w polskim systemie fleksyjnym : przyczynek do zagadnienia interferencji językowej / Józef Trypućko 1974 14
Notes on general and Russian morphology / Nils B. Thelin 1975 15
Die Zeit als strukturelles Element im literarischen Werk : (mit Illustrationen aus der Novellistik V. M. Garšins) / Lennart Stenborg 1975 16
Towards a theory of verb stem formation and conjugation in modern Russian : with an excursus on so-called e-o alternations and mobile vowels / Nils B. Thelin 1975 17
Towards a theory of aspect, tense and actionality in Slavic / Nils B. Thelin 1978 18
Russkie derivacionnye suffiksy : = Russian derivational suffixes / Lennart Lënngren 1978 19
Swedish contribution to the Polish resistence movement during World War Two : (1939 - 1942) / Józef Lewandowski 1979 20
A method for measuring perceptual distances betwenn different vowel qualities : some identification tests using russian /e/ variants and swedish subjects / Lars Steensland 1981 21
Piec lat jezykoznawstwa polskiego : 1966 - 1970 ; próba bibliografii = Five Years of Polish linguistics / Józef Trypućko 1984 22
Pokolenie 68 : studium o poezji polskiej lat siedemdziesiątych / Małgorzata Szulc Packalén 1987 23
O języku polskiej propagandy politycznej lat siedemdziesiątych : = On the language of Polish political propaganda of the 1970s / Jerzy Bralczyk 1987 24
"...Nápred i názad se ogledát" : Razgówori ob wladátelystwu (1663 - 1666) Juraja Križanicia i ich spójność tematyczno-argumentacyjna = "... to look forward and back" / Jerzy M. de Kamiński 1987 25
Parenesis Efrema Sirina : k istorii slavjanskogo perevoda ; with a summery in English = Ephrem the Syrian's Paraenesis = a contribution to the history of the slavic translation / Irina Ogren 1989 26
Vyraženie napravlenija pri pristavočnych glagolach peremeščenija v sovremennom russkom jazyke : k voprosu prefiksalʹno-predložnogo determinizma = Expression of direction with prefixed verbs of motion in modern Russian : a contribution to the study of prefixal-prepositional determinism / Ljudmila Ferm 1990 27
Compounds in contact : a study in compound words with special reference to the Old Slavonic translation of Flavius Josephus' Peri tu iudaiku polemu / Erik Fält 1990 28
Verben mit der Bedeutung "benutzen" im Russischen : Untersuchung einer lexikalisch-semantischen Gruppe / Ingrid Maier 1991 29
The genesis of the modern Bulgarian literary language / Roger Gyllin 1991 30
K probleme ispol'zovanija pečatnych izdanij grečeskich tekstov pri issledovanii drevnich slavjanskich perevodov : na primere slavjanskogo perevoda Parenesisa Efrema Sirina = On the problem of using printed editions of Greek texts for studying Old Slavonic translations = with the example of the Slavonic translation of Ephrem the Syrian's Paraenesis / Irina Ogren 1991 31
Častotnyj slovar′ sovremennogo russkogo jazyka : = A frequency dictionary of modern Russian / red. Lennart Lënngren 1993 32
Osobennosti razvitija russkoj leksiki v novejšij period : (na materiale gazet) / Ljudmila Ferm 1994 33
Leksika russkich staroobrjadčeskich govorov : (na materiale, sobrannom v Latgalii i na Žitomirščine) = The lexicon of Russian Old-Believers / Tamara Lënngren 1994 34
W poszukiwaniu utraconej ojczyzny : obraz Litwy i Białorusi w twórczości wybranych polskich pisarzy emigracyjnych ; Florian Czarnyszewicz, Michał Kryspin Pawlikowski, Maria Czapska, Czesław Miłosz, Józef Mackiewicz / Maria Zadencka 1995 35
Grečesko-staroslavjanskij konkordans k drevnejšim spiskam slavjanskogo perevoda evangelij : (codices Marianus, Zographensis, Assemanianus, Ostromiri) ; with an introduction in English = Greek - Old Church Slavic concordance to the oldest versions of the translation of the gospel texts / Irina Ljusen 1995 36
Sprachwechselprozeß in der Niederlausitz : soziolinguistische Fallstudie der deutsch-sorbischen Gemeinde Drachhausen, Hochoza / Madlena Norberg 1996 37
Verbalrektion in den "Vesti-Kuranty" (1600 - 1660) : eine historisch-philologische Untersuchung zur mittelrussischen Syntax / Ingrid Maier 1997 38
The Slavonic translation of the apocryphal Infancy Gospel of Thomas / Thomas Rosén 1997 39
Implicit and explicit norm in contemporary Russian verbal stress / Elisabeth Marklund Sharapova 2000 40
Kniga Esfir' : k istorii pervogo slavjanskogo perevoda / Irina Ljusen 2001 41
Linguistic images of emotions in translation from Polish into Swedish : Henryk Sienkiewicz as a case in point / Ewa Gruszczyńska 2001 42
Under två kultures ok : allmogeskildringar i den polska och svenska 1800- och 1900-talslitteraturen = Under the yoke of two cultures : peasant portrayals in Polish and Swedish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries / Małgorzata Anna Packalén 2001 43
Вариативное глагольное управление в русском языке первой трети XIX века / Larisa Dubrovina
Variativnoe glagolʹnoe upravlenie v russkom jazyke pervoj treti XIX veka : = Variations in Russian verbal government 1800-1840 / Larisa Dubrovina
2002 44