APA সাইটেশন

Abhinavagupta, Dvivedī, R., & Rastogi, N. (1987). The Tantrāloka of Abhinavagupta with the commentary of Jayaratha : 1 : Introduction <<The>> Tantrāloka of Abhinavagupta with the commentary of Jayaratha 1.

শিকাগো স্টাইলে সাইটেশন

Abhinavagupta, Rāmacandra Dvivedī, এবং Navjivan Rastogi. "The Tantrāloka of Abhinavagupta With the Commentary of Jayaratha : 1 : Introduction." <<The>> Tantrāloka of Abhinavagupta With the Commentary of Jayaratha 1 1987.

এমএলএ সাইটেশন

Abhinavagupta, Rāmacandra Dvivedī, এবং Navjivan Rastogi. "The Tantrāloka of Abhinavagupta With the Commentary of Jayaratha : 1 : Introduction." <<The>> Tantrāloka of Abhinavagupta With the Commentary of Jayaratha 1 1987.

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