Civil War, 1861-1865 705 Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 250 Classical period, 1500-1700 235 Civil War, 1936-1939 79 Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 39 Civil War, 1642-1649 31 Civil War, 1994 31 Civil War, 2011- 24 Conquest, 1522-1548 22 Cretaceous 21 Conquest, 1519-1540 17 Commune, 1871 15 Charles I, 1625-1649 14 Civil War, 49-45 B.C. 14 Civil War, 1994- 13 Constantine I, the Great, 306-337 13 Consulate and First Empire, 1799-1815 12 Civil War, 1945-1949 10 Civil War, 1975-1990 10 Civil War, 1991-2002 9 Civil War, 43-31 B.C. 9 Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 9 Civil War, 1983-2005 8 Civil War, 1983-2009 8 Cenozoic 6 Charles II, 1660-1685 6 Civil War, 1944-1949 6 Charles VII, 1422-1461 5 Choson dynasty, 1392-1910 5 Civil War, 1922-1923 5 Civil War, 1960-1996 5 Civil War, 1996-2006 5 Congresses 5 Conspiracy of Catiline, 65-62 B.C. 5 Cyprus Crisis, 1974- 5 Caligula, 37-41 4 Cambrian 4 Charles I, 1516-1556 4 Chosŏn dynasty, 1392-1910 4 Civil War, 1960-1965 4 Civil War, 1989-1996 4 Civil War, 1999-2003 4 Confederation, 1867 4 Coup d'etat, 1851 4 Canudos Campaign, 1893-1897 3 Carboniferous 3 Caste War, 1847-1855 3 Charles V, 1506-1555 3 Charles VI, 1380-1422 3 Chimurenga War, 1966-1980 3 China 3 Civil War, 1967-1970 3 Civil War, 1998-1999 3 Civil War, 2002-2007 3 Civil War, 68-69 3 Comneni dynasty, 1081-1185 3 Constantine XI Dragases, 1448-1453 3 Coup d'etat, 1965 3 Canute, 1017-1035 2 Capetians, 987-1328 2 Charles II, 1665-1700 2 Christi Geburt bis 1500 nach Chr 2 Christian V, 1670-1699 2 Civil War, 1918 2 Civil War, 1975-2002 2 Civil War, 1990-1993 2 Civil War, 43-31 B.C 2 Civil War, 49 B.C.-45 B.C. 2 Claudius, 41-54 2 Colombia 2 Confederation, 1783-1789 2 Conquista, 1522-1548 2 Constitutional period, 1789-1809 2 Coup d'etat, 1980 2 Coup d'état, 1921 2 Carolingian rule, 774-887 1 Catherine II, 1762-1796 1 Census, 1540 1 Charles IV, 1788-1808 1 Charles IX, 1560-1574 1 Charles V, 1519-1556 1 Charles XIV John, 1818-1844 1 Chejudo Rebellion, 1948 1 Chitral Campaign, 1895 1 Chosŏn dynasty, 1392-1910 1 Chosŏn dynasty, 1392-1910 1 Chremonidean War, 267-262 B.C 1 Chremonidean War, 267-262 B.C. 1 Christian IV, 1588-1648 1 Civil War, 1979-1992 1 Civl War, 1861-1865 1 Claudius II, 268-270? 1 Clermont-Ferrand 1 Colonia, 1540-1810 1 Colonial Period (1600-1775) 1 Commodus, 180-192 1 Conquest, 1519-154 1 Conrad III, 1138-1152 1 Constantines, 306-363 1 Contestado Insurrection, 1912-1916 1

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