Do, 11.05.2023 14:00

Colloquium: Stars and planets under the NewAthena X-ray microscope

Prof. Matteo Guainazzi, ESA European Space Research and Technology Centre, Noordwijk, The Netherlands,will talk about the Athena X-ray mission.

"NewAthena" is the provisional name of the latest incarnation of the European Space Agency Large-Class X-ray observatory, to be launched in the second half of the 2030s.  NewAthena constitutes an innovative mission design concept, retaining most of the scientific performance of the micro-calormeter spectrometer (X-IFU) originally baselined for Athena: more than one  tausands pixels over a >4' diameter field-of-view, with each pixels enabling a resolving power >1000 in the hard X-ray band (3-10 keV). A wide-field spectroscopic survey of the X-ray sky will optimally exploit the science capabilities of a Silicon-based Wide Field Imager (WFI), aiming at detecting several hundred tausands Active Galactic Nuclei down to the reonization epoch, as well as early galaxy clusters and groups at z>1.5. The two instruments will share the focal plane of the Athena Silicon Pore Optics mirror, the largest telescope ever conceived on an approved X-ray mission. This talk will present an overview of
the NewAthena scientific objectives, with particular focus on prospective studies on stellar physics, objects in the solar system, and exoplanets.




IWF Colloquium series

Dr. Matteo Guainazzi

11.5.2023, 14.00 Uhr

U.a.4  in-person