Dispersed and Connected. Artistic Fragments Along the Steppe and Silk Roads

The project collects and explores narrations, images and imaginations, fragments and artistic expressions along old and new Steppe and Silk Roads, which link dispersed and connected biographies, artistic traditions, cultural monuments and memories. These fragments will be joined in exhibitions and a concomitant scientific-artistic fieldwork notebook.

Hereby, fast processes of transformation as a result of establishing new roads will be juxtaposed to slow narrations and memories of individuals as well as historic artefacts and fresh artistic works developed within the project. This research therefore opens a space to individual and artistic voices in response to current and future determining emerging global-economic projects and plans. The artists and scientists (social- and cultural anthropologists, musicologists and archaeologists) of the core project team document and collect fragments of expressions developed by formulating specific questions on themes such as mobility, nomadism, memory, cultural and knowledge transfers along the roads to create an artistic project cartography for the joint exhibitions and publication. The artistic works include photographs, videos, film, poems, songs and music, and drawings as different narration lines. Museum artefacts will be links or starting points for these forms of narrations – which show the fragmented and yet interwoven sidelines and branches of existing and emerging roads, which transform the landscapes like an expanding uncontrolled nervous system. Artists from i.e. Mongolia and Usbekistan will be invited to create new works which will be integrated into the museum exhibitions. A new multi-layered collection – seen through the eyes of the other – will be added to and enliven the historic ethnographic collections.

„Steppen & Seidenstraßen/ Steppe & Silk Roads“ at the Museum am Rothenbaum in Hamburg (03.12.2020-07.11.2022) and „Staub & Seide / Silk & Dust“ at Weltmuseum Wien (15.12.2021-03.05.2022)

„Staub und Seide. Alte Routen – neue Perspektiven entlang der Seidenstrassen“ at Völkerkundemuseum vPST Heidelberg (17.05.2023–17.01.2024)

Nomin Bold & Baatarzorig Batjargal
„MULTIVERSE“ at Völkerkundemuseum vPST Heidelberg  (17.05.2023–14.09.2023)

Maria-Katharina Lang

Tsetentsolmon Baatarnaran (ÖAW), Johannes Heuer, Erdenebold Lhagvasuren (Mongolian University of Science and Technology), Lucia Mennel, Tatia Skhirtladze (University of Applied Arts Vienna), Christian Sturminger

Weltmuseum Wien, Museum am Rothenbaum Hamburg (MARKK), Museum für Völkerkunde VPST Heidelberg, National University of Mongolia (NUM), Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Inner Mongolian State University

01.07.2017 - 31.12.2023

FWF (PEEK/ AR 394-G24), ÖAW