
PhD Representatives champion mental health initiatives at the GMI

Meet the GMI’s student representatives for an insight into how being a representative has shaped their PhD journey.

PhD students at the GMI are invited to shape the GMI community and to share their perspectives on institute-wide issues. Three PhD student representatives volunteered in 2023 to represent the PhD community of the GMI and to organize events for PhD students on campus. Topics in focus in 2023 were academic and career wellness.  

Meet the GMI’s student representatives for an insight into how being a representative has shaped their PhD journey.  


What’s your motivation for accepting this leadership role on campus? 

Victor Sanchez De Medina: I was intrigued by the effort made by program coordinators and students to build a campus community. I wanted to learn about integrating students into programs and to have the opportunity to contribute and improve them. 

Jian Yi Kok: I stepped up to fill the role without many expectations but soon appreciated being part of the process. Being a PhD student is hard, and mental health is a topic that hadn't been much discussed in the institute. Being a rep gave me the chance to address this and turn it for the better. 

Pamela Vetrano: This is the first time I've been in a representative role, and initially, I was hesitant. However, I'm starting to see the value and feel that I can be useful.    


What skills have you sharpened to find success in your positions? 

Victor Sanchez De Medina: Through this role, I've learned the science of approaching and conveying problems effectively, so you can have a discussion that is productive for both parties. 

Pamela Vetrano: I'm learning to listen to and integrate different ideas. This role has taught me the importance of considering various perspectives and formulating solutions that encompass diverse viewpoints and concerns. 

Jian Yi Kok: A significant skill I've gained is logistics, essential for planning large events like the PhD retreat, Halloween parties, and Christmas dinners. 


Could you tell us more about your efforts to foster a positive academic environment on campus? 

Victor Sanchez De Medina: Certainly. A major focus has been maintaining the PhD survey as a consistent and reliable data collection tool. The PhD survey is sent out annually to all PhD students on campus. Maintaining the consistent data collection is crucial for understanding the evolving concerns of PhD students. We've used these insights to launch a mental health campaign in 2023, directly addressing issues we identified in the surveys over the years. 

Jian Yi Kok: A big part of our focus has been on improving communication between various academic levels as misunderstandings are often where issues stem from. 

Pamela Vetrano: In terms of practical steps, the mental health campaign was a significant first move. The campaign helped bring the issue to the forefront. We've worked on increasing access to consultations with well-being professionals and advocated for hiring an external person to mediate group issues. These actions are aimed at offering support from multiple angles, recognizing that there's no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health.