
GMI Postdocs Foster Campus Connectivity

Postdoctoral researchers play many important roles in a research institute. As experienced researchers, postdocs act as mentors and role models, and drive projects forward. At the GMI, postdoctoral researchers are invited to contribute to decision-making and to share their perspectives on issues pertaining to the GMI and its community. Three postdoctoral researchers represented the postdoctoral community at the GMI in 2023.

Through new initiatives like the Postdoc Networking Day (POND) and the Vienna BioCenter International Welcome Office, postdoc representatives Aleksandra Kornienko, Pierre Bourguet, and Anna Igolkina - are spearheading initiatives that strengthen campus community bonds and provide support.  

Meet the GMI postdoc representatives and learn how they have contributed to connectivity and communication at the institute.  


What motivated you to become postdoc representatives? 

Anna Igolkina: I joined as a postdoc rep because I wanted to see how the institute works inside and to be a mediator between different constituencies on campus.  

Pierre Bourguet: I believe in the power of a group working together to create a better community. We get a lot of career support as VBC postdocs, mainly for academia and pharmaceutical industries. My original goal was to implement networking opportunities in agricultural research and industries as an alternative career for GMI postdocs. 

Aleksandra Kornienko: Pierre recruited me. Once I started, it was really interesting to attend meetings with the faculty. It's not always easy to see the perspectives of other people. So I think it's good that we have representatives from different branches of science like technicians, PhD students, and postdocs in the same room together.


Can you elaborate on the initiatives you've worked on? 

Pierre: We've organized the postdoc retreat, which had over 50 participants from across the campus.  

Anna: The retreat was structured with one-minute talks organized by themes, but the focus was really on socializing and networking. That’s why there was a decision-making workshop, and several speakers who showcased their career paths. 

Pierre: We also started a new symposium to gather all the postdocs in Vienna. PoND, the Postdoc Networking Day, is a multidisciplinary event encompassing a range of fields such as life sciences, chemistry, and computer science. We've also made strides in integrating support for immigrating scientists, especially those not from the European Union. The program is about helping international scientists settle in Vienna, providing a roadmap for personal or family VISA applications, and helping them navigate Austrian bureaucracy. We also worked with the human resources department to improve the welcome guide for all new researchers. 


How has your role as representatives impacted your interaction with the campus community? 

Aleksandra: I felt so fulfilled by the opportunity to help people who approached me with complex issues. People can come to us, and we have direct access to the faculty. We can advocate for an issue. 

Pierre: As reps, we are, on average, more knowledgeable about the resources available on campus. If anyone is experiencing difficulties, we can help simply by directing them to the appropriate person or service. We also listen and help as friends, but that is not in the job description…