124 results:
21. Juristenrunde with Chris Thomale  
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Thomale, LL.M. (Yale), Professor of International Commercial and Business Law at the University of Vienna, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on the topic of "Die…  
22. Pandemics – Liability and Insurance  
Information Duration: 2021–2022 Project leader: Christophe Courbage Michael Faure Ernst Karner Project assistant: David Messner Partner institutions: The Geneva…  
23. Ernst Karner  
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ernst Karner Director Phone +43 1 4277-29662 E-Mail ernst.karner(at)oeaw.ac.at Biography Ernst Karner is Director of the Institute for European Tort Law and the…  
24. Research  
With over 50 completed research projects on various issues of European and international tort law, the Institute for European Tort Law has acquired rich experience in comparative legal reseach.…  
25. Differentiated Tree Hazard Management in Austrian National Parks  
Information Duration: 2019–2022 Project leader: Ernst Karner Project assistant: Samuel Loibl Partner institutions: Nationalparks Austria European Centre of Tort and…  
26. Tree hazards debated at the Austrian Verkehrsrechtstag  
Ernst Karner presented parts of the Institute's study on 'Differentiated Tree Hazard Management in Austrian National Parks' On 18 October 2022 the 15th ZVR-Verkehrsrechtstag took place in Vienna. As…  
27. Barbara C Steininger  
MMag.a Dr.in Barbara C. Steininger Scientist, Associate Professor Phone +43 316 380-3585 E-Mail barbara.steininger(at)uni-graz.at Biography Barbara Steininger studied law and Dutch in…  
28. Personality Rights in the Information Age (WTLS)  
Information Duration: 2017–2022 Project leaders: Yao Hui Ronen Perry Project assistant: David Messner Partner institutions: European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law…  
29. Road Traffic Accidents (WTLS)  
Information Duration: 2015–2022 Project leaders: Ernst Karner Project assistant: David Messner Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo Partner institutions: European Centre of Tort and…  
30. Liability for Artificial Intelligence  
Information Duration: 2020–2022 Project leaders: Ernst Karner Bernhard A Koch Project assistant: Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo Partner institutions: European Commission …  
Search results 21 until 30 of 124