124 results:
41. Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo  
Dr. Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo Senior Scientist Phone +43 1 4277-29655 E-Mail katarzyna.ludwichowska-redo(at)oeaw.ac.at Biography Dr. Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo is Senior Scientist…  
42. European Tort Law Yearbook 2020  
The European Tort Law Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in tort law in Europe. It contains reports on most EU Member States alongside contributions from Norway and…  
43. Tortious and Contractual Liability (SINO-EU)  
Information Duration: 2016–2021 Project leaders: Ernst Karner Project assistant: Andrew Bell Partner institutions: European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL) Yantai…  
44. Sino-European Legal Studies  
The projects and events of the ‘Sino-European Private Law Forum’ provide the focal point for the cooperation between ETL, ECTIL and the Law School at Yantai University (Sino-European Tort Law…  
45. Mehrstufiger Warenverkehr  
Der mehrstufige Warenverkehr, ein Musterbeispiel für Vertragsketten, ist eine für jedermann alltägliche Erscheinung, die allerdings keineswegs nur alltäglichem juristische Probleme bereitet. Diese…  
46. Other Publications  
European Tort Law. Basic Texts Edited by Ernst Karner, Ken Oliphant and Barbara C Steininger Jan Sramek Verlag, Vienna Softcover. ISBN 978-3-7097-0170-6 2018, 2nd Edition, 466 pp Learn…  
47. Liability for Means of Transport (parts 2 and 3)  
Completing the three part series on 'Liability for Means of Transport' parts two and three of the research project have been published. The project  prioritises the investigation of liability…  
48. Juristenrunde with Johannes W. Flume  
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes W. Flume gives a Juristenrunde lecture on "How to calculate damages?" ("Wie berechnet man einen Schaden?") on Thursday, 11 November 2021 at 11.00h. He will…  
49. Call for Papers: Pandemics - Liability and Insurance  
The 19th Joint Seminar of the International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics (The Geneva Association) and the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) will be hosted by the…  
50. Liability for Means of Transport  
Information Duration: 2018–2021 Project leaders: Helmut Koziol Olaf Riss Project assistant: David Messner Partner institutions: European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law…  
Search results 41 until 50 of 124