124 results:
101. Juristenrunde with Maciej Kochanowski  
Maciej Kochanowski, PhD Canditate at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland, presents parts of his thesis on 'Foreseeability of damage according to Article 74 CISG' in a Juristenrunde on 24 June…  
102. Juristenrunde with Corinne Widmer Lüchinger  
Corinne Widmer Lüchinger, Professor for Private Law, Comparative Law and Private International Law of the University of Basel, holds a Juristenrunde lecture about 'Digitale Innovation und…  
103. 18th Annual Conference on European Tort Law  
From April 25 to April 27 2019, the 18th Annual Conference on European Tort Law will be held in Vienna. The Conference provides practitioners and academics alike with the opportunity to learn about…  
104. Kick-off for Railway Liability Project  
The Institute for European Tort Law, together with the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law have begun work on the second part of their Liability for Means of Transport project, which is being…  
105. Comparative Study on Railway Liability  
On 17 January 2019, the comparative study "Die Haftung von Eisenbahn- und Infrastrukturunternehmen im Rechtsvergleich" was published with Jan Sramek Verlag as the first part of the Liability for…  
106. Juristenrunde with Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna  
Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna, Assistant Professor for Global and Comparative Private Law of the Tilburg University Law School, presents her paper on 'Breach of Contract and Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss'…  
107. European Tort Law 2017  
The European Tort Law Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in tort law in Europe. It contains reports on most EU Member States alongside contributions from Norway and…  
108. Juristenrunde with Attila Menyhard  
Professor Attila Menyhard, Dean of the Law Faculty of the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on the topic of "Struktur des Haftungsrechts im ungarischen ZGB – Die…  
109. The Institute  
ETL aims to contribute to the understanding and development of European and comparative private law. Learn more ... ETL aims to contribute to the understanding and development of European and…  
110. Juristenrunde with Lena Kolbitsch  
Lena Kolbitsch of the Department of Civil Law of the University of Vienna gives a Juristenrunde Lecture on the topic of 'Die Haftung im Gefälligkeitsverhältnis' on 18 June 2018 at 11:00. The lecture…  
Search results 101 until 110 of 124