
Mathias Scheurer and collaborators from Japan and the US published their latest findings in Nature Physics

An international research team involving the theoretical physicist Mathias Scheurer from the University of Innsbruck have now succeeded in reaching a milestone: the realization of a superconducting diode effect without an external magnetic field, thus proving the assumption that superconductivity and magnetism coexist.

The critical current of a superconductor can be different for opposite directions of current flow when both time-reversal and inversion symmetry are broken. Such non-reciprocal behaviour creates a superconducting diode and has recently been experimentally demonstrated by breaking these symmetries with an applied magnetic field or by the construction of a magnetic tunnel junction. The research team report an intrinsic superconducting diode effect that is present at zero external magnetic field in mirror-symmetric twisted trilayer graphene. Such non-reciprocal behaviour, with sign that can be reversed through training with an out-of-plane magnetic field, provides direct evidence of the microscopic coexistence between superconductivity and time-reversal symmetry breaking. In addition to the magnetic-field trainability, they show that the zero-field diode effect can be controlled by varying the carrier density or twist angle. A natural interpretation for the origin of the intrinsic diode effect is an imbalance in the valley occupation of the underlying Fermi surface, which probably leads to finite-momentum Cooper pairing and nematicity in the superconducting phase.


For more information see:

Zero-field superconducting diode effect in small-twist-angle trilayer graphene.
Jiang-Xiazi Lin, Phum Siriviboon, Harley D. Scammell, Song Liu, Daniel Rhodes, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, James Hone, Mathias S. Scheurer, J.I.A. Li in: Nature Physics, August 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01700-1

Scheurer Group





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