• 04/08/2006 , Waterville, Maine
    K.J. Martinschitz
    Cyclically deformed cellulose films characterized by in situ synchrotron diffraction coupled with tensile tests
    Gordon Research Conference on thin film & smal scale mechanical behavior
  • 04/08/2006 , Waterville, Maine
    Martinschitz, K.J.
    Residual stresses and strains in thin films characterized by the combination of sin<sup>2</sup>ψ and substrate curvature methods
    Gordon Research Conference on thin film & smal scale mechanical behavior
  • 30/07/2006 , Maine
    S. Massl
    A cantilever method to determine depth profiles of residual stresses on the nanoscale
    Gordon Research Conference
  • 20/07/2006 , Waterville
    S.H. Oh
    In-situ TEM tensile testing of thin Au films: A transition in deformation mechanism
    Gordon Tagung Thin Film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior
  • 20/07/2006 , Waterville
    C. Motz
    Fracture behaviour and fracture properties of tungsten on the micrometer scale
    Gordon Tagung Thin Film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior
  • 18/07/2006 , Halifax, Nova Scotia
    G. Cailletaud
    Multicrystal Large Strain Computations - Comparison with Strain Field Measurements
    12th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Applications
  • 07/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    J. Pascual
    Weight function, J-integral and material forces approach to ceramic multilayers
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 07/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    M. Faleschini
    Fracture toughness investigations of severe plastic deformed tungsten alloys
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 06/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    C.R. Chen
    Cohesive-zone modeling of crack-growth in specimens with different constraint conditions
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 06/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    K. Srinivasan
    A micro-toughness model for ductile fracture incorporatingvoid size effects
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 05/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    G. Trattnig
    Damage evolution in torsion specimens deformed at forging temperatures
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 05/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    G. Jesner
    Fatigue and fracture processes in high performance PM tool steels
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 04/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    O. Kolednik
    Crack initiation and fracture of metal matrix composites
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 04/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    J. Predan
    Local variation of crack driving force in a mismatched weld
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 03/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    F. Wetscher
    Fatigue and fracture processes in severe plastic deformed rail steels
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 03/07/2006 , Alexandroupolis
    Pippan, R.
    A discussion of the applicability of DK-Values for short cracks
    16th European Conference of Fracture
  • 29/06/2006 , Berlin
    G. Guidoni
    Biomaterials' soup
    Biosystems Conference
  • 28/06/2006 , Kragujevac
    M. Rakin
    Numerical analysis of residual stresses effect on elastically inhomogenous bimaterial with crack
    1st South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, SEECCM-06, eds., M. Kojic, M. Papadrakakis
  • 27/06/2006 , Graz
    R. Pippan
    Sind submikrokristalline oder nanokristalline metallische Werkstoffe für den Automobilbau interessant?
    Nano Mobil - Nanotechnologie und Nanomaterialien im Automobil
  • 26/06/2006 , Göttingen
    G. Dehm
    Größeneffekte in miniaturisierten Materialien: neue Methoden - neue Einblicke?
    Physikkolloquium Universität Göttingen
  • 23/06/2006 , Collioure
    M. Moser
    Materials analysis of space retrieved materials from the hubble space telescope
    10th International Symposium on "Materials in a Space Environment" ISMSE
  • 01/06/2006 , Dresden
    R. Pippan
    Mechanische Untersuchungen im Mikrometer- und Submikrometerbereich
  • 24/05/2006 , Leoben
    S. Marsoner
    Entwicklungsstand und Nutzen der FEM-Simulation von Massivumformprozessen
    Asmet - Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik
  • 23/05/2006 , Leoben
    G. Jesner
    Ermüdungsrissinitiation und Ermüdungsrisswachstumsverhalten in hochfesten PM-Werkzeugstählen
    Asmet - Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik
  • 22/05/2006 , Leoben
    S. Scheriau
    Influence of Grain Size on Orientation Changex during Plastic Deformation
    ASMET-Forum 2006
  • 22/05/2006 , Leoben
    E. Eisenberger
    Gefüge und mechanische Eigenschaften eines C/C-Kupfer-Verbundwerkstoffes für Fusionsreaktoren
    Asmet - Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik
  • 19/05/2006 , Budapest
    O. Kolednik
    Characterization of local deformation and fracture properties with scanning electron microscopy
    Marie Curie Action Workshop, Experimental Characterization of Materials
  • 19/05/2006 , Budapest
    G. Dehm
    Transmission electron microscopy: From materials characterization to in-situ deformation
    Marie Curie Action Workshop, Experimental Characterization of Materials
  • 15/05/2006 , Atlanta
    A. Tesch
    Short crack growth in Al 6013-T6
    9th International Fatigue Congress
  • 15/05/2006 , Atlanta
    A. Davidkov
    Studies on short fatigue crack propagation through a ferrite-pearlite microstructure
    9th International Fatigue Congress
  • 15/05/2006 , Atlanta
    F. Wetscher
    Structural evolution during cyclic severe plastic deformation
    9th International Fatigue Congress
  • 15/05/2006 , Atlanta
    J. Podluka
    Analysis of crack closure level in terms of crack-wake plasticity
    9th International Fatigue Congress
  • 05/05/2006 , Turin
    G. Jesner
    Damage mechanisms in materials for cold forging dies under loading conditions typical for dies
    7th International Tooling Conference "Tooling materials and their applications from research to market"
  • 04/05/2006 , Steyr
    R. Danzer
    Zähigkeit von Schichtverbunden als Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> und ZrO<sub>2</sub>-Keramik / Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten von jungen Wissenschaftlern auf dem Gebiet Bruchmechanik und Betriebsfestigkeit
    ESIS Austria Group - Meeting
  • 01/05/2006 , Atlanta
    R. Pippan
    Crack wake and crack tip plasticity in fatigue
    9th International Fatigue Congress
  • 27/04/2006 , Leoben
    R. Pippan
    Review of current research field at ESI
    26th Corporate Research & Technology Board / BUAG /Materials Science and Technology at University Leoben - Future perspecitves
  • 22/04/2006 , Lech/Arlberg
    C.R. Chen
    Weight function and material forces approach to toughness in ceramic laminates
    52. Metallkunde Kolloquium
  • 22/04/2006 , Lech/Arlberg
    C. Motz
    Metallische Hohlkugelstrukturen - bessere Schäume?
    52. Metallkunde Kolloquium
  • 22/04/2006 , San Francisco
    T. Schöberl
    Wear resistance tests on a locus mandible-abrasion of a biomaterial
    MRS spring meeting
  • 19/04/2006 , Lech/Arlberg
    D. Kiener
    Miniaturisierte Druckversuche an einkristallinem Kupfer im Rasterelektronenmikroskop
    52. Metallkunde-Kolloquium
  • 11/04/2006 , Cambridge
    T. Schöberl
    Small is strong-not only by strain gradients
    Workshop on micromechnics
  • 24/03/2006 , Wien
    F. Wetscher
    Cyclic high pressure torison of nickel and Armco iron
    17th Colloquium on fundamental fatigue mechanisms 2006
  • 15/03/2006 , Leoben
    F. Wetscher
    Auswirkung hoher Scherverformungen auf Schienenstähle
    Kuratorimssitzung Erich Schmid Institut
  • 07/03/2006 , Planneralm
    G. Trattnig
    Schadensentwicklung in Torsionsproben einer Nickelbasislegierung und der Einfluss der Schädigung auf das Versagen im Zugversuch
    XXV. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium
  • 07/03/2006 , Planneralm
    R. Pippan
    Bedeutung der Risswachstumsmechanismen für die Lebensdauerberechnung
    XXV. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium
  • 24/02/2006 , Siegen
    T. Schöberl
    Verschleiss und Reibung an biologischen Werkzeugen
    Workshop Rasterkraftmikroskopie
  • 12/01/2006 , Linz
    G. Dehm
    Hügel, Risse und Versetzungen: Verformungsmechanismen in kleinen Dimensionen
    Physikkolloquium Universität Linz
  • 01/01/2006 , Nürnberg
    Pippan, R.
    Mikrostrukturentwicklung bei der Hochverformung bei relativ niedrigen Temperaturen
    Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Werkstoffeigenschaften WW I, Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Deutschland, 10.01.2006