382 results:
141. High cycle thermo-mechanical fatigue behavior of semiconductor thin films  
Project Leader: Daniel Kiener Semiconductor materials play a crucial role in many electronic applications, for example in the automotive and industrial market. Used as switches, they are…  
142. Fabrication and thermo-mechanical behavior of nanoporous materials  
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (I-1020), the  Marshall Plan Foundation, the Montanuniversität Leoben and the country…  
143. High temperature mechanical testing of novel Cu-Nb nanocomposites  
Important Publications Recent results on this research field can be found in the publications below or, for academic use only. cunb composite accepted paper m.d.abad s.parker d.kiener…  
144. Measuring Local Residual Stresses and Fracture Toughness in Thin Films  
Acknowledgements This work is part of the project A7.17 “Deformation and Crack Growth at Ductile Interfaces in Microelectronic Devices” within the COMET K2 Centre for “Materials, Processing and…  
145. Deformation Mechanisms of Nano-Porous Hexagonal Metals  
Acknowledgements This work is supported by the FWF (I-1020: Deformation Mechanisms of Nano-Porous Hexagonal Metals) and the NRF in a joint call. Project Leader: Daniel…  
146. Advanced nanoindentation for the extraction of material flow curves  
Acknowledgements Funding by the Austrian Federal Government (837900), in particular from the Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie and the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft,…  
147. In-situ deformation experiments on a TRIP steel  
Project Leader: Otmar Kolednik Steels with the transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) effect exhibit phase transformations of austenite into martensite triggered by plastic deformation.…  
148. Deformation- and fracture behavior of advanced materials  
Download and Links Damage nucleation in dual phase steel (Youtube) Project Leader: Otmar Kolednik The life-time of a component is confined by the nucleation and growth of small defects…  
149. Microstructure and temperature effects on submicron plasticity of bcc metals  
Acknowledgements This work is supported by the FWF (P-25325: Microstructure and temperature effects on (sub-)micron plasticity of bcc metals). Further financial support by the Austrian…  
150. Femtosecond laser application in materials science  
Read more Preparation of micro-mechanical cantilevers in tungsten foils Micro-tensile specimen to test individual wood cells Downloads PDF PDF References [1] D. Kiener, C. Motz, M.…  
Search results 141 until 150 of 382